On Sale: Online tourism

PayPal shopping expert Sophie Ancely gives some advice about booking holidays online.

Sophie Ancely 370 (photo credit: courtsey)
Sophie Ancely 370
(photo credit: courtsey)
Shopping online has increased in recent years, partly because it is easier to make secure purchases thanks to secure payment facilities such as PayPal.
But don’t just settle for buying clothing, cosmetics and electronics. How about purchasing a vacation? Instead of going to a travel agent, try planning and ordering the entire holiday from the comfort of your own home.
Here are some reputable websites to get you started:
www.elal.co.il – El Al, Israel’s leading airline, offers online flight booking with exclusive prices and special deals (especially if you’re planning a last-minute get-away).
www.hoteltravel.com – Now that you have your airline tickets, you’ll need a place to stay. This website is great for finding hotels in any given destination and booking your room online.You can also pay for it securely with PayPal. If you want to make sure you’ve chosen the right hotel, use www.oyster.com to check it out.
www.Trippy.com –Trippy basically lets your friends plan your vacation for you. By using social networks such as Facebook, the website syncs your desired destination with your friends’ tips and advice, and converts them into a map you can download straight to your Smartphone.www.bdyno.co.il– This website allows its visitors to plan an entire vacation with just a few clicks. All you have to do is select your destination, your time frame and your price, and the website will do the rest of the work for you.
www.winerist.com – How about a wine vacation? Winerist.com helps you find unique wineries around the world, sign up for a wine tour and even book a room in an all-wine hotel.
Enjoy your vacation!