Anchor dons hijab for 1st time on Egypt state TV

Concern raised that the move represents a further shift towards Islamism under the newly-empowered Muslim Brotherhood.

Fatma Nabil 370 (photo credit: Egyptian TV screenshot)
Fatma Nabil 370
(photo credit: Egyptian TV screenshot)
An anchorwoman wearing a hijab head covering appeared on Egyptian state television for the first time in its 50-year existence on Sunday, sparking fears the move represents a further shift towards Islamism under the newly-empowered Muslim Brotherhood.
Under deposed president Hosni Mubarak, women wearing Islamic head coverings were only permitted to work behind the camera; however, in January, an Egyptian court overturned the prohibition.
The newsreader in question, Fatma Nabil, who wore the headscarf of her own volition, made her appearance on a midday broadcast on Egypt's Channel 1; three other women wearing headscarves also are slated to begin working as anchors in the near future.
In the Muslim Brotherhood's daily newspaper, Freedom and Justice, Nabil welcomed the development, saying it was a sign that Egypt's revolution was successful.
In contrast, some analysts voiced concern that the move was an early sign that the Brotherhood was planning to impose Sharia law in Egypt.