Lapid, Labor fire at each other

Lapid has begun a campaign focusing on the need to eradicate political corruption.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Finance Minister Yair Lapid
Labor leader Isaac Herzog expressed frustration Monday with Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid’s accusations that he is corrupt.
Lapid has begun a campaign focusing on the need to eradicate political corruption. In addition to attacking the Likud, Yisrael Beytenu and Bayit Yehudi, Lapid has aimed at Herzog, who remained silent after he was involved in a corruption scandal when he was an aide to Ehud Barak in 1999.
Herzog accused Lapid of “firing into the armored personnel carrier,” meaning attacking inside the Center-Left political camp, and harming his chances of becoming prime minister. A Herzog associate said Lapid was “taking the easy way out” by mining Labor for votes instead of trying to take them from parties on the Center and Right.
In an interview with Army Radio Monday, Lapid said the Likud’s electoral system was corrupt but refused to rule out joining a coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“I have said 779 times that we are against the culture of boycotts,” he said. “Despite that, we will do everything possible to prevent Netanyahu from becoming prime minister.”
Lapid criticized Netanyahu for not addressing corruption or socioeconomic issues at his Likud speech Monday night.
“Corruption begins at the top,” he said. “It begins with Netanyahu’s demand for a private jet and for the public to pay for the water in his swimming pool in Caesarea. Corruption is transferring NIS 70 million to Beit El, which should be used to protect the people who live around the Gaza Strip.”