Star Catcher

Astrology for the week of June 28, 2013

astrology (photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
Things are definitely looking up and over the coming year you will be happy to find that the road may not be completely clear but it certainly will be free from most of the debris you have been struggling with. A sense of happiness and wellbeing will add to your feelings of optimism and selfconfidence as time goes on. Write your novel; join a gym; take mini vacations if you don’t have the time or money to make a major trip and finally, relax and enjoy quality time with family and good friends. You have so much to offer and the time to begin is Now!
As difficult as it may be, you have to watch your weight.
Problems which have held you back in the past are about to dissolve, slowly but surely and soon you will discover that you have enough emotional quiet time to do some serious work. There is no rush as to when a project must be completed, but the sooner you get it done, the better as something new and very exciting is on the way. Your family is always your top priority and this week you will be able to do something outstanding for someone very special.
HINT: Although you continue to worry about money and finances, there is not much more that you can do besides curtailing unnecessary spending.
As the days progress, you will notice that you are spending more and more time socializing and enjoying the company of both old and new friends. This is a perfect opportunity for you to discuss an important project you are working on. Between the positive feedback and the new and innovative suggestions you will hear, you will not be sorry that you listened to your friends and got out of the house.
Although you rarely expose your sensitive side, preferring to show yourself in a positive and selfassured light, you won’t be able to fool a Cancer you know.
Business is picking up! Don’t give up! After weeks of mulling over your p r o f e s s i o n a l / financial situation, suddenly things are starting to move in the right direction. New people you meet have the tools you are looking for and a professional ‘swap’ between you will help you share information and skills while not putting a dent in your bank book.
This is not the time for relying on your memory, no matter how good you think it is. Take notes and be prepared to answer some important questions.
For some time you have been putting aside some work assignment and as time is running out, you need to clear your slate and get down to business. The difference this time is that you will enjoy the work and watching it develop into the project you had dreamed of. As you get a clearer view of the big picture you will be drawn in a certain direction. Trust your intuition but get sound advice from a few experts along the way.
Money and financial matters begin to pick up and soon you will be able to relax where your income is concerned.
Opportunities come and go this month and you will have to work hard to distinguish what projects are best for you and your business. A conversation with your partner and/or mate will help you get a better perspective and within a short period of time you will finish building a much more solid and secure foundation from which to expand.
Never one to forget past mistakes and failures, you cannot however, let them cloud your vision today.
Be careful with money— your own and that of others. Before making any final decisions, take a step back and rethink everything one more time, from the beginning.
Starting this month, your interaction with people begins to be much more pleasant and in a word, easier. This does not mean, however, that you should make any major commitments either personal or professional until you have asked enough questions, gotten feedback from people you trust and then used your own intuition to guide you.
Time spent with a water sign will be soothing and peaceful…exactly what you need right now!
Sunday and Monday are good days for locking your doors, turning off your phones and catching up on some well needed rest.
The pressure at work that you have felt over the past few months i s beginning to c h a n g e … t o lighten up, and as the weeks progress you will be more at ease with your work load and with your co-workers. Your employer has been watching you grow and is very happy with your progress.
Financially you have become even more careful than usual as you contemplate making some major changes in your living arrangements.
Friends and family are always there to lend a helping hand, offer some asked-for advice and pay a bill or two if necessary.
Be careful not to overdo things as you tend to take on too much and there is a limit even you can handle. This is not the best week for working on projects which demand a great deal of precision and attention to detail as you will discover that your patience is a little frazzled and you lose your thread of concentration quicker than usual.
Difficulties with a younger member of the family cannot be avoided and for the time being simply walk away. Later when things have calmed down you can approach this person with an olive branch. ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Home and family will take up most of your time this week and will demand a great deal of patience…perhaps more than you have.
Not everyone shares your vision and your need to keep them safe may be misinterpreted as trying to maintain control. Double check your motives and wherever possible find a path which is acceptable to all.
This week you may discover that your lines of communication are not as open and clear as usual.
Unfortunately, there is little you can do to remedy the situation so rather than get upset, take a step back and let things flow naturally.
You will feel a surge of confidence as the days and weeks progress, especially toward the middle of next month. Your relationship with people you come into contact daily may be slightly strained for a bit as a breakdown in communication is expected, but nothing serious or long lasting. This is the time for taking notes, for making lists of what you want and what you are prepared to do without out and finally for cutting back and relaxing at the end of a busy day.
Don’t lose sleep over past insecurities as the path ahead is bright and the wind is definitely at your back!
A sudden increase in cash will do a great deal toward lightening your mood, but this is not the time for depending on luck or good fortune where money and finances are concerned. This is however a very good time for putting a little aside toward a major purchase you are considering in the coming weeks. If you don’t have the cash, don’t make the purchase. When speaking with a water sign remember how sensitive they are as well as what a phenomenal memory they have. When in doubt walk away rather than speak in haste.
Sunday and Monday are good days for setting up important meetings.