Watch: Islamic State honors its youngest 'martyr' - a 10-year-old Saudi boy

The boy, who went by the name Abu Obadya al-Abassi, was nicknamed "Baghdadi's puppy."

Islamic State's 10-year-old terrorist
Supporters of the Islamic State terrorist organization recently posted a tribute video on social media in honor of a 10-year-old who they claim is the youngest "martyr" to die during their campaign to conquer territories across Syria and Iraq.
The boy, who went by the name Abu Obadya al-Abassi, was nicknamed "Baghdadi's puppy," a reference to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Al-Abassi left his native Saudi Arabia to join IS in Syria. He is believed to have been killed along with his father in an air attack waged by the United States.
It should be noted that there is no independent confirmation regarding the authenticity of the clip which was posted on YouTube showing the boy dressed in military fatigues and carrying weapons.
So far, the clip has attracted over 75,000 views, with many expressing disgust over the use of children in warfare.
This past August, the UN Human Rights Council issued a report detailing how various armed groups in Syria, including Islamic State, are enlisting children to fight in combat.