December 16, 2016: Falling on deaf ears

We suffered the Holocaust in which most of my parents family perished but there the allied powers were willing to fight evil even though the Jews weren’t their priority.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Falling on deaf ears
With regard to “Save Aleppo’s civilians” (Editorial, December 14) everyone around the world would like to save the civilians and aid workers in Aleppo.
Unless the editor of The Jerusalem Post has some concrete plans how to do it without starting World War III with far greater reaching consequences it’s not much use repeating what everyone knows. The UN is a paper tiger and with Russian and Chinese veto power no one can step in.
We suffered the Holocaust in which most of my parents family perished but there the allied powers were willing to fight evil even though the Jews weren’t their priority. However, here the West is not willing to get seriously involved.
Ma’aleh Adumim
Subverting unity
After reading Shulamit S. Magnus’s article “On sacred dreams and civil space” (December 14) I felt a sadness in my heart that women’s rights have come this far.
When I first heard about Women of the Wall I thought, how beautiful that there is a group of woman so dedicated to their prayers to God that they are willing to come to the Western Wall almost every day, from all over the country. Sadly, this is not the true goal of Women of the Wall! All these women seem to want is no more misogyny and a unified nation.
Unfortunately, since they are breaking the parameters of Halacha with their court case, they are creating disunity and anger amongst the nation. Wouldn’t more unity be created if they put in enough effort to pray by the Western Wall. My only hope is that these woman can come to the Western Wall on the days of unity (Independence Day and Jerusalem Day) and truly see that even without the reading of the Torah, putting on tefillin, and prayer shawls there is still major joy and unity among the nation.
Opinion misnomer
Gil Troy’s column “In Center Field” is mis-titled. The views expressed (December 14) were definitely far left of center. His call to support removing the prime minister via an investigation ordered by the Supreme Court is super non-democratic. Netanyahu has been investigated for over 15 years and nothing has been found.
Governments are changed by the results of elections.
Troy complains that only 25% voted for the Likud, not Netanyahu, because there is no direct election of the PM, the same as in Canada. Justin Trudeau was elected with fewer than 40% voting for his party.
The reaction to Trump by those who didn’t support him is unbelievable. He is not yet president and the country is going to the dogs. He says he wants to change things and do them differently, as is his right. If he does a poor job he will not be reelected in 2020.
Netanyahu will be prime minister probably for another two years and Trump will be president for four. They were both elected in fair, democratic elections with different governmental systems.
I feel it is time to calm down and lower the volume of the negative rhetoric. The US will continue to be a strong ally of Israel and we should give the Trump administration it’s 100-day grace period starting on January 20.
Ejection rejection
I read your story on Israel’s F-35 arrival “Advanced F-35 fighter jets set to land in Israel today” (December 12) with great interest and was disappointed to see a comment regarding the Mk-16 ejection seat in the aircraft as a failure. The facts are that the seat is fully qualified for pilots of every shape and size and is the only seat qualified for the F-35 program.
Middlesex, UK
The writer is a media relations representative for Martin- Baker Aircraft Company Limited.