Letters to the Editor: So sad

If it were not so sad, it would be funny!

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
So sad
In your March 29 edition, we read how MK Yehudah Glick, a Jew, is petitioning the High Court of Justice of Israel – the Jewish state – in order to be able to visit the Temple Mount, the Jews’ holiest site.
If it were not so sad, it would be funny!
Mevaseret Zion
Three words
The photo accompanying “Haredim stage mass protest over draft arrests” (March 29) says it all.
A participant holds a sign sporting three words: “Yehareg v’al ya’avor.” This is a directive reserved in Jewish law to lay down one’s life in order not to commit one of the three cardinal sins. The blatant misuse of this directive is indicative of the cancerous hypocrisy of their subversive behavior.
Are they holier than King David, who interrupted his Torah study to militarily defend his people? Is their time more valuable than that of Joshua or King Saul, who did the same? They’re too busy with their Torah study to even visit the recruitment office in order to receive their endless deferments (which are a gift that most of us are not afforded), yet they somehow find the time on a regular basis to disturb the peace, stop traffic and spit in the government’s face – the same government that finds the time and resources to write their welfare checks.
If it is preferable to lay down one’s life in this situation, why is mere arrest so unacceptable to them? Arrest isn’t enough for these people. I have three words of my own: Throw them out.
Hand wringing
“Ties between US Jews, Israel could reach breaking point in 2017” (March 29) is another report with anxious hand wringing about the breakdown in support by American progressive Jews for Israel. What is not understood are the reasons behind this.
There is a 71% intermarriage rate among non-Orthodox Jews, while Israel and Judaism itself no longer rank high in the priorities of young assimilating American Jews. To insist that Israelis adopt their point of view or else, even on issues that threaten Israel’s security, is inane. The fact is, American Jews now need Israel more than the reverse.
Almost half of world Jewry lives in Israel. In addition, the great majority of all Americans support Israel on the basis of shared values.
The Jews of J Street and Jewish Voice for Peace cause more damage to Israel’s best interests, and the breaking point between them and Israel has long passed.
These people should either wake up or be given a send-off of good riddance.
New York
Misleading, insulting
It was with dismay that I read the column by Ruthie Blum in your March 28 issue (“Westminster carnage, Turkish delight”). It is intended to mislead your readers with false analogies and irrelevant linkages, and is insulting, as it stands in sharp contrast to the values of journalism.
The referendum related to the constitutional amendments to be held in Turkey on April 16 will be the latest example of the long-standing democratic processes in Turkey. Simply put, this referendum is about a democratic choice on the system of government (parliamentary or presidential), but not on the type of regime. Yet in this piece we witness an awkward argument using this important vote to defame Turkey’s democratic institutions and the president of the Republic of Turkey.
Turkey’s resolute stance against the scourge of terrorism is unquestionable. For decades, its counterterrorism efforts have been widely praised on a global scale. Therefore, when Ms. Blum insinuates that “President Erdogan is happy” about the terrible terrorist attack in London or claims that Turkey is allied with terrorists, a false line emerges, given that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was among the first leaders to condemn the attack and extend our solidarity with the United Kingdom.
Her argument on the failed coup attempt is also utterly misleading.
On July 15, Turkish democracy and constitutional order were threatened by members of a terrorist cult, networked on economic and political ambitions, killing 249 people and wounding thousands. The plot was averted thanks to the Turkish people’s resilience and the state institutions’ swift response.
All the measures taken following the failed coup attempt in Turkey are in line with its legislation and international obligations.
As a founding member of the Council of Europe, Turkey’s adherence to the rule of law and its independent courts are bound to guarantee a fair conclusion of the related legal proceedings.
It is regretful that such a biased piece clearly contradicts the facts, as well as the values of objective journalism, which I strongly believe are among the guiding principles of the editorial board of The Jerusalem Post.
Tel Aviv
The writer is Turkey’s ambassador to Israel.
Feeding BDS
It seems that every day, we open the paper and read about the “threat” of boycotts of Israel by the so-called BDS movement.
Oren Peleg wrote about it (“Combating BDS conference focuses on early education,” Comment & Features, March 28), as did reporter Benjamin Weinthal in his news item “Taking the war to BDS activists” (March 24).
There are more articles about BDS than there are BDS victories (and probably hard-core BDS activists). It’s time to stop feeding this movement what it wants, which is publicity.
Ramat Gan
Irrelevant material
For months, your cartoonists have been inflicting on us anti- Trump cartoons that have no particular relevance to Israel.
Obamacare, for example, is of only passing interest to Israeli citizens.
These cartoons usually don’t have the redeeming features of being subtle, incisive or even well drafted. They belong in some US regional newspaper, if anywhere.
On March 29, we found a letter from a resident of British Columbia in Canada who advises the US vice president and Congress to retire their president to an Obamacare home (“Out to pasture”).
How is this relevant to your pages? Or to us, citizens of Israel? Isn’t it time The Jerusalem Post realized what country we – and it – live in?
Bring back
PAT WA Your newspaper and other publications have reported that in spite of being a rapidly developing hi-tech center, Israel suffers from a shortage of properly trained specialists. This is partly due to an inadequate supply of Israeli-educated graduates, some of whom are drawn away to other hi-tech centers in the world.
Similarly, an insufficient supply of potential foreign candidates willing to consider aliya does not help alleviate this problem.
In 1961, I took six months off from college to participate in the Jewish Agency’s PATWA program (Professional and Technical Workers for Aliya). I joined a dozen or so other candidates interested in exploring aliya and employment possibilities. I worked in the laboratory of Tel Hashomer Hospital.
Besides being placed in non-salaried jobs in our areas of interest, we had frequent discussion groups and field trips. Room and board were covered by the program.
Although I do not know the statistics, I have heard that many of the participants eventually made aliya.
The advantage of this approach is that it upstages employers seeking the same potential workers after graduation. I assume that PATWA is no longer in existence, but I would strongly recommend that it be restarted.
The writer is a physician.