Letters to the Editor: Trump as president

Good luck to Trump. May he make America great again.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Trump as president
With regard to “‘I will be president for all Americans’” (November 10), my belief is that we are living in times that are changing rapidly, and that Donald Trump epitomizes these changes.
Life is like a flowing river. We need to go with the flow. Life is about change – nothing ever stays the same. If we cling to the banks of that river, we get stuck in the debris and bogged down in the “sameness.”
I trust that Trump with bring a fresh change and that he realizes the old ways of “leaders and followers” have passed. The new way is cooperation and unity.
Good luck to Trump. May he make America great again.
The historic election victory of Donald Trump represents a monumental triumph of the belatedly- enlightened American people over a chronically failed, corrupt political establishment embedded for too long in a quagmire of progressively dangerous, insane political correctness.
There are five tangible realities to take and digest from this campaign:
1. In order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles (David Ben-Gurion).
2. The only two certainties in life – death and taxes – remain as such.
3. There are no coincidences in life, only miracles performed anonymously by God – in this case, guiding the electorate of the planet’s greatest democracy to recognize the reality about the political establishment.
4. The free world has been thrown a critical and pivotal lifeline in the so-far unsuccessful fight against a surging, worldwide radical Islamic terrorist caliphate.
5. The election outcome ought to be dedicated to the heroic victims of the 2012 Benghazi outrage and to those who diligently worked to expose the administration’s dereliction of duty and cover-up.
Kfar Saba
You report that Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. You also call him the “president-elect.” But Trump has not yet been elected president and he is not yet the president-elect.
Let’s get the American election process straight. On November 8, voters elected “electors” in each on the 50 states plus the District of Columbia. No one voted for president, only for the electors.
These electors will cast their ballots on December 19, and their votes will be counted at a joint session of Congress in the first week of January 2017. If, as expected, Trump receives a majority vote of the electors, he will then officially be elected president, and only at that point will he be the president-elect.
Not before.
He will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017, together with the vice president-elect.
The writer is an attorney.
Left still in control
With regard to “Netanyahu response overshadows television report criticizing wife’s involvement in matters of state” (November 9), Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid is right in saying that the prime minister should respond to criticism in a way that is appropriate to his position. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is right in saying that many, many members of the media are “far-Left extremists.”
The Left controls the media and the basic infrastructure of Israel.
That it has lost the government makes it crazy – but it still rules, because Netanyahu is afraid to move forward on many issues, fearing its wrath.
Tel Aviv
What is ‘normal’?
With regard to “Palestine in Tel Aviv” (November 9), no amount of olive oil, stuffed eggplant or paintings of olive trees will show that Palestinians are “normal people through art, food and literature.”
They believe and teach their children that Jews are the sons of monkeys and pigs. They send eight-year-old children to kill Israelis with knives. They idolize teenagers who murder Jewish children in their beds, and name sports teams after terrorists. All this while Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says with impunity that “Jews have no right to desecrate the Temple Mount with their filthy feet” and that Palestinians “bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem.”
Those who helped Nazis in the countries of Europe were “normal” people. So were the Nazis: Hitler was a vegetarian. Himmler was fond of classical music. Goebbels loved his children. Goering loved his food. But this didn’t stop them from murdering millions of innocent people.
Tel Aviv’s Palestine House is misnamed and misplaced. It should be called Israel House and situated in Nablus to show the Arabs of Judea and Samaria (and of Umm el-Fahm) that Israelis are normal people, and that cooperation with Israel will bring many more benefits to the Arab peoples than will their despotic rulers.
Beit Shemesh
Aliya Day’s timing
Your November 9 editorial “Celebrating aliya” pointed out that Aliya Day is held on the 7th of the Hebrew month of Heshvan because of the Torah reading.
Might I add another reason.
Perhaps this day was picked because it is the day that those in Israel begin praying for dew.
When dew lands on the earth, it energizes and renews everything it touches. Those landing in Israel from so many countries and cultures bring with them a renewal of spirit that helps quench the thirst of this land and its people for the gathering of the exiles and the final redemption.
Poignant comments
I would appreciate taking the opportunity to thank Isi Leibler for sharing the poignant comments regarding his family, past and present (“Sharing a deeply personal experience,” Candidly Speaking, November 9). It once again shows the determination and fortitude of the Jewish people to overcome the most horrendous experiences, and for the current and future generations to stand proud in a great country they can call their own.
Tel Aviv
Its former self
Seth J. Frantzman’s “Beware of the drip, drip of religious fascism in Asia” (Terra Incognita, November 7) is one of his best – all the way until the penultimate paragraph, where he includes “‘price tag’ attacks against Palestinians” along with all the indescribable atrocities he mentions.
Linking the mass murder of 500,000 in Indonesia in 1965, the looting and burning Chinese- owned businesses in Jakarta in 2016 and the ransacking of US embassies and killing Americans in Libya and Egypt in 2012 together with “price tag” attacks is what I would expect to see in Haaretz.
The Jerusalem Post is again becoming the left-wing newspaper it once was.
Additional factor
More decades ago than I care to remember, as a high school student in Brooklyn, my math club invited a guest speaker from Bell Labs who presented the very problem Judy Siegel describes in “Local, Canadian researchers try to help children learn math” (November 3), about minimizing the waiting time on supermarket check-out lines.
We adolescents surprised him by factoring in the likely expiration of the paper tape in the cash registers, requiring an extended period of time to observe the entire process.
Telz Stone
Backbone needed
The incident late last month in which pro-Israel students were trapped inside a London University lecture hall by anti-Israel protesters showed the students in a very poor light.
How about defending themselves? How about showing some backbone and giving the bullies a taste of knuckle? Or were they waiting to be rounded up and taken away “for their own safety”?
Sde Nitzan