Orthodox Jews

Border Police to launch ultra-Orthodox-only unit as West Bank tensions heat up

The establishment of the new police unit aims to integrate members from Israel’s ultra-orthodox communities into the larger Israeli society.

Why an Orthodox group supports the Supreme Court ruling on not serving same-sex couples

The decision was not about discrimination or about religion and attempts to characterize it as such are disingenuous.


ITIM publishes interactive map of Israel's accessible mikvahs

Immersion can be a highly dangerous or even simply inaccessible activity for women with physical disabilities who may be using mobility aids like canes or wheelchairs.

Belz hassidic leader has been unafraid to go against the grain - opinion

The leadership of Belz Hassidic Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach is both worthy of recognition and a reason for optimism.

Orthodox 'American Ninja Warrior' contestant celebrates release of unaired footage

A supervising producer for the show told JTA last month that Neuman was “cut for time” and that it’s “standard practice” to remove contestants in post-production.


What it's like for a religious Israeli family to vacation on a cruise

There are plenty of articles and videos out there with advice on how to get the most out of a cruise, but not many about the experience of speaking in Hebrew, eating kosher food, and spending Shabbat


The Jewels of Antwerp: How two series' are changing perceptions of Orthodox Jewish life

Antwerp, a bustling Belgian port city, is renowned not only for its diamond industry but also for its substantial Jewish community.

Reading a torah scroll

Law firm releases report on JOFA after allegations made against sex-guru founder

Although JOFA had already responded to the allegations internally, it commissioned an external review of its past and practices.


Almost half of Israelis identify as traditional Jews, defying conventional labels - analysis

Rejecting coercion in any form, traditionalists staunchly support freedom of religion and religious liberties, extending this support to both secularists and the ultra-Orthodox.

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