The evolution revolution

Lee Spetner is a fascinating and accomplished guy. The MIT grad has served in the U.S. Navy, worked in R&D at Johns Hopkins and in Israel for decades, and for the past half-century, has closely studied the theory of evolution.
In a new book, The Evolution Revolution: Why Thinking People Are Rethinking The Theory of Evolution, Spetner expertly critiques Darwin’s famous theory, which for the past century at least has become dogma for Western educators.
Darwin would have had a problem with Lee Spetner. The fabled, dour British science icon would no doubt have traipsed vigorously and angrily around his “walking path” at his home in Down, had he been privy to the research Spetner has produced. In his new book, Spetner exposes the fallacies in the worldview that says “common descent” explains how we got here.
For a Christian writer like me, one who passionately supports Israel, I’m particularly happy with Lee Spetner’s work. For many decades in England and America, as evolution became dominant in the culture, a parallel harmful teaching arose: the Bible is myth. This last point has been particularly damaging in the churches, where attacks on Genesis quickly led to doubts about the historicity of the ancient Jews, beginning with Abraham.
In any event, Spetner pokes enough giant holes in the fabric of Darwinian philosophy to cause even seasoned scientists to take pause. In fact, Dr. S. Kelman, of the University of Maryland, said this: “The Neo-Darwinists have pulled the wool over our eyes for over 100 years, conflating arguments for evolution with Common Descent. Spetner has proven them wrong.”
The professor’s nimble mind has the range to also address theological issues involved in the battle over origins: “The arguments the Darwinist authors give on the basis of the fossil record are, as with the phylogenetic tree, theological rather than scientific. Their argument is that the Creator would not have put fossils in the ground to confuse us. On this basis they conclude that there was no Creation and therefore Common Descent must be true. Those authors are not theologians. Yet they have the temerity to offer theological arguments.”
Well put!
In a difficult publishing field, Lee Spetner manages to produce a volume that should have wide appeal among secular scientists (those who would be willing to read it in private), creationists, and the burgeoning “Intelligent Design” movement.
That is quite a feat.