The history and future of Jerusalem

The History and Future of Jerusalem

Donald J Trump has performed great Presidential Acts for Israel, and all legitimate travelers to the Holy Land. Jerusalem, or any area of Israel that is recognized in the TaNaKh, or Old Testament, deserves to be under the careful watch of Israel. I feel Donald J Trump has proclaimed Israel is still the Holy Land for Christians and Jews or anyone who travels to the beautiful area.

The history of Jerusalem includes religion, faith, politics, war, miracles, and Peace. There is no greater history than that of creation in the leading Abrahamic Religion. I watched the President Give recognition to the Western Wall where the Donald John Trump train station will be built. It would be hard to find someone that deserved that much at this turning point in history. DJT is the first sitting POTUS to visit the Wall.

I enjoy looking at Israel pictures on Instagram or Facebook often which means daily. Inspiration comes from photos of the glorious land as it is still preserved on that side. I have not traveled to Israel at this time of life nor in my past. Soon meaning in the next few years I have the intention of visiting the birth place of Judaism and Christianity which is undisputed by most of the world.

My library in Edmonton has many books on the Middle Eastern countries surrounding Israel so finding information on the Geography isn’t difficult. Here you can find books or DVD series’ on conversion to Judaism which could just make it really nice for travelers to understand the history of the first Monotheistic religion and people.

There are many references to Jerusalem being a Holy City to all three Abrahamic religions, especially because of the Temple Mount. Jerusalem is the City of Peace as described in magazines, journals, and documents. Jerusalem sits on a plateau between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. Its Walls were rebuilt at least twice the last time being in the sixteenth century.


The Future of Jerusalem

Jerusalem will rightfully remain the capital of Israel with embassies, and government associations all linked by a wonderful Ben Gurion International Airport. This airport serves Tel Aviv which is one of the most advanced cities in the world somewhat like Silicon Valley with startup businesses and high tech companies. You could enjoy the sites and surf of Jerusalem Beach in Tel Aviv the former capital of Israel.

Tourism is alive and well with affordable vacations to some of the most scenic scenery in the entire world. Israel remains free from violence because of the strong security presence maintained nationwide. International banking locations to serve all businesses and travelers with any issue is guaranteed.