9 Best Fruit Juices For Super-Bright Skin This New Year


Do you wish for smooth and glowing skin again? It seems like the cold weather is no interested in leaving us and letting that dream come true. But, let’s be honest. With our busy schedules who has the time to spend hours pampering in the bathroom? Instead of we just leave for our scheduled treatments at our favorite beauty salon and let others take care of our skin, among other things. But, what if you can get the smooth, glowing skin with no signs of black spots or patches with a special juice? 9 individual juices that we have found just for you, so you can choose your favorite? The following juices promise to erase any trace of black spots just for you, and all that you have to do is prepare the juice and let it work its magic!

The Dangers Of Skin Whiteners-

Not many of you have heard that instead of spending thousands of dollars to get your skin whiten buying different brands that offer best results or just visiting a beauty salon, you can do all of that for yourself at home and using nothing but natural ingredients. Hydroquinone and mercury are the ones to blame as they are among the most commonly used ingredients that promise brighter skin. What they do is inhibit the work of melanin – which is the one that gives our skin the natural color. A study published show that mercury and hydroquinone pose a danger to the kidneys if used continuously for an extended period of time. But luckily for us, there are some natural ingredients that we can use and get the same beneficial effect, and we do not even know it! These ingredients are commonly part of the 
best diet plan so your whole body will benefit from their use, and not just your skin!

The 9 Awesome Juices That You Must Try If You Want Brighter Skin!

All of the following juices can be drunk on a daily basis to get the beneficial effect that you are hoping for. But you can also rub the juice on your skin after you have cleaned your face and wait at least 15 minutes for the juice to get absorbed in the skin. Afterward, wash your face gently with warm water and dry it. 

1. Orange Juice 

Oranges are among the richest sources of Vitamin C! If you did not know, Vitamin C is considered as a strong, natural skin whitener. 

2. Lemon Juice

Lemons are another great source of Vitamin C. 

3. Mango Juice 

Mangoes are filled with Vitamin A. Vitamin A guarantees flawless skin and it is especially beneficial for those of you who have naturally dry skin, but it is not recommended for those of you who have oily skin.

4. Watermelon Juice 

Watermelons are filled with water. Because of this, the watermelon juice acts as a toner to our skin. This juice will naturally hydrate your skin and make sure there is no sign of any dryness due to the cold weather. When applied to the skin it also removes any present toxins and gives back the glow to your skin.

5. Tomato Juice 

Tomato juice is the answer to all of our skin problems – starting from dark spots, oily skin, and rough, uneven skin to dark circles under our eyes.

6. Avocado Juice 

Avocados contain high levels of Vitamin B9, also known as biotin. Biotin promotes cell regeneration and growth that will help your skin to recover from any damage due to the cold weather. It also contains Vitamin E that will make sure that your skin is glowing once again.

7. Kiwi Juice 

Kiwis contain even higher amounts of Vitamin C than oranges. You can forget all about unhealthy looking skin thanks to the magical kiwi juice!

8. Papaya Juice 

Papayas work instantly since they open your pores at the moment that you apply their juice to the skin.

9. Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit contains high levels of antioxidants, Vitamin A and Vitamin C that will work towards repairing the damage that the cold weather has done to your skin.


Did you know that you can use some of the top skin brighteners and still not apply any chemical to your skin? Using your favorite skin care product, e.g. DermaWand is always welcomed, but the fact is that you can achieve the goal to have bright, flawless skin with the help of nature. Tomato, papaya, apple, lemon and orange juice are just a few of the suggestions that we shared here with you. These juices are not just delicious to drink, but also completely healthy when prepared at your home that is, and have many beneficial effects, especially towards improving the condition of your skin! So do not hesitate to try them and feel the changes right now!