Donald Trump has already won … as a father of our spiritual awakening

Donald Trump may or may not win the US presidency but he has already won an acknowledgement of great many in the US as a father of the truly Judeo-Christian spiritual awakening.
The great many in the US, as well as many BREXIT-minded people of Europe, have found in Donald Trump a spiritual leader who has clearly expressed their depressing feelings that the great Judeo-Christian Western civilization is losing its greatness. Donald Trump has demonstrated it convincingly by analyzing the changes in political and social realms of the US that have brought the US on the road of moral and economic degradation, and he suggested political and social restructuring that may return the country on the path of continuing greatness.
The spiritual awakening on the human moral wellbeing
From the very beginning, the US was a country of Judeo-Christian moral principles. The Torah/Bible Ten Commandments was the guiding principles for the government legislative work. Those principles led to
• A small government with limited power – since a human government cannot become an all-mighty god-like entity (The First Commandment says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”)
• An individual responsibility of government leaders for their decisions affecting the nation (The Third Commandment says, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain”)
• An all-mighty family with the power to decide how to live, help the others and educate the children (The Fifth Commandment says, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee)
• A minimal government taxation mainly for providing safety and security for the public and not for government enrichment and empowerment (The Eighth Commandment says, Thou shalt not steal”)
• No government-imposed wealth redistribution from the truly fortunate to the less fortunate (The Tenth Commandment says, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's).
Both religionists and atheists supported the Judeo-Christian morality – they had different opinions not on the morality but rather on the source of this morality.
Both religionists and atheists supported the Church-State separation to preserve spiritual competitiveness among various religious denominations.
However, in the last century all these moral Ten-Commandment-based Judeo-Christian moral principles – step-by-step – were abandoned and replaced by the extremely nice sounding “human rights and social justice” principles that brought
• The big government which restrict severely the individual freedoms and play a role of an all-mighty god – with the two political parties, Democratic and Republican, working together to enrich and empower themselves to the detriment of the people
• The lack of individual responsibility of government leaders since they are judged not by the results of their decisions affecting the nation but rather by politically-correct slogans of their political parties
• The government-imposed regulations on the family that are ruining the traditional family
• The tremendous taxation burden that makes the big government an economic monopoly suppressing private businesses
• The government-imposed redistribution of wealth that is destroying the incentives for creating the individual wealth.
Although the majority of the nation has not liked the loss of traditional Judeo-Christian morality, the majority was silent since the big government was able to a sort of dope the population by the freebies and politically correct slogans – with the help of the big news media, which in essence has become a part of the big government.
Donald Trump has spelled out all that clearly and convincingly. Moreover, he described the ways to stop the degradation and restore the greatness of the country as was in the glorious past. That was a truly spiritual awakening for the people on the human moral wellbeing.
The spiritual awakening on the human economic wellbeing
From the very beginning, the US was a country with the best economy in the world. The best economy led to the best material well-being for American citizens. Budget deficit, national debt, stagnant economic growth, government welfare system were unknown. Why? Because the country had a free-market economy which was encouraging everybody to get involved in economically productive work to make his/her family richer, to be personally responsible for the result of his/her actions, to do charitable work and not to covet something that was in possession of your neighbor. The politicians were not enriching themselves by working in the government – they were making a decent living like everybody else.
In the last century all these Ten-Commandment-based Judeo-Christian free-market economic principles – step-by-step – were abandoned and replaced by the government controlled economy – controlled through myriads of regulations, taxes, tariffs, litigations, globalization rules, politically-correct opinions, etc.
The first time in the American history, the children are less well off than their parents, a great number of people are not working and survival of a great many depends on government freebies.
The majority of the nation has not liked it. However, this majority was silent since the big government was able to convince the majority that is the best they can have – and the big government has done it with the help of the big news media, which in essence has become a part of the big government.
Donald Trump has help the people understand we can do economically much better if we reduce government control of the economy to restore the true free-market economy. That was a spiritual awakening for the people on the human economic wellbeing.
Donald Trump has help the people realize that the replacement of one political party by the other in the course of democratic elections would not restore our moral and economic wellbeing – both political parties, Democratic and Republican, have become a part of the big government suppressing the people.
Donald Trump has help the people realize the unusual nature of the current presidential election – that is a historic opportunity to replace the power of the big government by the power of the people and restore the greatness of the country and wellbeing of the people.
Indeed, Donald Trump has already won … as a father of our spiritual awakening.