Phenomenon of Trump explained

Phenomenon of Trump that may make him one of the greatest American presidents could be clearly seen (of course, by an unbiased and not ideologically blinded person) from Trump’s The Art of the Deal, Make America Great Again, Drain the Swamp and Riyadh-Jerusalem-Vatican inauguration.
The Art of the Deal as applied to deals in politics
Donald Trump governs the country with the mindset of smartest business people as opposed to governing the country with the mindset of smartest politicians.
The mindsets of politicians and business people are different.
In politics, the chief goal is to be elected and reelected. In order to achieve this goal, a contemporary politician promises numerous free consumer goods to potential electorate and after an electoral victory tries to deliver most of the promised. In other words, what the contemporary politicians are doing is redistribution of wealth – by various taxation tools – from a more able wealthy minority to a less able and less wealthy minority. That is so because the government of traditional politicians does not know how to produce more consumer goods – it know only how manipulate with their distribution. To win the presidency, a contemporary politician has to divide the country and create from some divided groups a winning majority.
In business, the chief goal is to produce more consumer goods that benefits everybody – by either buying and possessing the goods, or making them. Therefore, a contemporary businessman who has entered a political arena to win the presidency reaches the victory by uniting the country through the proposed business-like goals that would benefit almost everybody.
The concepts of “The Art of the Deal” are clearly seen in Trump’s leading mottos.
Make America Great Again
For our traditional politicians, there is no such thing as “make America great again”. Although they cannot define what the “correct America” should be, they nevertheless believe they have made America “adequate” and only fine-tuning of “human rights” and “social justice” is needed.
For Donald Trump, America has lost her greatness because of wrong governing policies of the traditional politicians, and the restoration is needed. Donald Trump is sensing the majority’s longing for the restoration.
Donald Trump identified from the very beginning the two critical restoration things. They are to restore the free market economy that is able to provide well-paid jobs for everybody, and to restore the public Judeo-Christian morality by controlling the immigration and legislating in support of this morality.
Drain the Swamp
Donald Trump defined the swamp as the big all-powerful government that stifles the economy and individual freedoms and the all-powerful news media that fabricate the news in support of the big governing system. Donald Trump believes the swamp has to be drained since the swamp makes the people morally sick while the traditional politicians see instead of the swamp something pleasant that requires just a good maintenance.
Riyadh-Jerusalem-Vatican Inauguration
Donald Trump believes America is unnecessary burdened, both economically and spiritually, by the policies of imposing on the others foreign to them American way of life under banners of “human rights” and “social justice”. He believes “the others” (many countries of the world main religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism) may join the America-led efforts of fighting international Islamism-based terrorism and of developing mutually beneficial economic collaboration … if we stop assaulting their way of life. The traditional politicians think the mutual interests can be developed only if everybody is forced to govern along the lines of American “human rights” and “social justice”.
The problem with our elite news media and traditional politicians is that they are judging Donald Trump as they used to judge a traditional politically-minded president while Donald Trump is governing the country in a completely different, difficult to understand business-minded way.
And our politicians, all of them on the democrat/liberal side and many of them on the republican/conservative side, are nervous since they do not know how to compete with Donald Trump.