All The News That Should Not Be Leaked

The media in fighting back against the Trump Administration is putting America at risk. The articles containing security leaks are putting this country at risk because the press and security personnel want to disrupt this Administration. Fake news is not real, but leaks are dangerous. 
In the last 25 days: we’ve had classified transcripts of three conversations with three different world leaders published. These telephone calls with  Australia, Mexico, and Russia were published. It is entirely illegal to have them exposed. Executive orders were leaked with classified marking on them like one on terrorists and about foreign policy. Secretary Mattis was weighing the sending of troops to Syria to fight ISIS and his plans to deal with Iranian provocations. All this leaked to the press including the transcript of General Flynn's discussion with the Russian Ambassador leaked to the media. So in fighting back against President Trump, these leakers are committing treason.  The implications of the national security apparatus using their organization by leaking classified information to the press as resistance in just wrong.
The media also used an intelligence dossier containing potentially compromising information with it not being substantiated and never used until a network ran with it. Again this was in the hands of the security apparatus in the United States, 
So I hope the new administration catches the leakers and the media becomes patriots.