Jordanian Columnist: Arab countries have abandoned Jordan, causing it to seek refuge with Israel

The following article excerpted from the original ( ) describes the longstanding relationship between Jordan and Israel. From its tone its intended audience is Arab, not Israel. For background Jordan was the second Arab state, after Egypt, to sign a peace treaty with Israel. And a decade before the treaty, in 1971, only Israel in the region stepped forward to protect Jordan in the midst of the Palestinian uprising against King Hussein. When it was apparent that Arafat was losing the “civil war” Syria massed tanks along its border with Jordan. Israel responded by massing tanks along its Golan border with Syria, ending the threat and allowing King Hussein to evict Arafat, and end the uprising. 

In fact, outside of having been pressured, against Israeli warnings, to join Nasser in the 1967 Six Day War, relations between the Hashemite kingdom and Israel have been generally back to King Abdullah, assassinated for seeking peace with Israel. 

Jordanian Columnist: Arab Countries Have Abandoned Jordan, Causing It To Seek Refuge With Israel

In his April 12, 2015 column in the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, columnist Maher Abu Tair accused Arab countries of turning their backs on Jordan and abandoning it. According to Abu Tair, this has pushed Jordan into Israel's lap to the point that it has become completely reliant on it, economically and politically. He also spoke of the inconsistent Jordanian foreign policy, which he said stemmed from its unstable relations with its neighbors, and called to seek an alternative to relying on Israel.

The following are excerpts from his article:

"It is very saddening that Jordan has grown so weak that it has completely thrown itself into the lap of Israel, contrary to public sentiment and [at the expense of] its honor... This is the unfortunate reality, and those who follow events can see Jordan's headlong rush towards Israel and the overlap of [their] political and economic interests. It is as if Jordan is saying one of two things: that all Arab doors are closed to it, or that Israel is its safest ally and the only refuge in the region. Alternatively, perhaps the former is pushing Jordan towards the latter. 

"Jordan has grown weak to the point of total reliance on Israel, as part of which Israel will sell us the Palestinian natural gas [it has] stolen as an alternative to the Egyptian natural gas that is denied [to us] by the mujahideen of the [Sinai] desert. [Also as part of this reliance, Jordan and Israel have agreed on] the massive Two Seas Canal project and [the issue of] the Aqaba Airport [referring to the issue of the Ramon Airport that Israel is building near Eilat]. In the past Jordan threatened to oppose [the building of the Israeli airport] but now it has withdrawn its objection on the condition that takeoffs and landings be coordinated [with the Aqaba Airport]... 

"The naked truth is that Jordan no longer has any Arab allies, and today its only ally against the entire Arab east is Israel. If the Arabs had wanted a strong Jordan that did not throw itself at Israel, they would not have abandoned it economically and besieged it politically to the point that its foreign policy became fickle. [Nowadays] we go to bed supporting Tehran and wake up opposing it in Yemen. At other times we are against Istanbul and with Tehran. We go to bed with [the PA in] Ramallah but wake up with Hamas..."