Without Water, There is No Life

On March 2, 2016, the Jewish National Fund (JNF), supported by the City of Beverly Hills and the Consulate General of Israel, will be presenting the California-Israel Water Summit.

  California-Israel,Water Summit kick off, February 22, 2016

The Summit kick off, co-chaired by Gina Raphael and David Nahai, took place on Monday February 22, 2016, in which Julian Gold, Beverly Hills mayor, David Siegel, Israel consul general and Congressman Ed Royce spoke.

 California-Israel Water Summit kick off, February 22, 2016-R-co-chairs Gina Raphael and David Nahi, Beverly Hills mayor Julian Gold, Congressman Ed Royce, Consul General of Israel David Siegel-Photo Nurit Greenger

So what happened that Israel, located in a region where water is very scares, is coming to California to discuss water?

Since the lack of water resources and drought were urging issues to overcome, Israel did not make it an obstacle. With variety of technological applications in 68 years Israel has become water independent and food secured. To become water independent was an ambitious conservation of water task and Israel did it.

Today Israel is independent of rain and almost independent of climate. It is a country that has proven, over and over again, that where there is a will, there is a way, if you have the right approach and take the steps toward achieving the way.

The goal of the Summit is to bring together political leaders, regulators, utility officials and investment executives, to include a broad spectrum of business, labor and environmental leaders, to discuss this major pressing issue California is facing: to secure the sunshine state’s water supply.

The topics of water markets, Israel’s most successful water technologies, market access techniques, and financing strategies will be covered during the Summit.  In the Summit one will be able to have a voice that was never heard before.

Israel has received the name of a start-up nation. It is a country that is leading in many technologies and inventions but is still a student as to how to penetrate the market place and expand her help to make the world a better place to live.

With the prolong drought California has been experiencing for the longest and no remedy in sight, Israel is here to help in partnership. If Israel is water independent so could be the entire world. What California could do, by partnering and following its mentor, Israel, could be applied by any country where water is scares.

Israel will start with partnering with California. From there, when water independence is successfully achieved in California, this partnership will grow tentacles, worldwide.

In Israel they sign the song: And you shall siphoned water with joy

We start with water with joy and we move on to open a wider door for Israel so she can bring to the table the best of her adaptability.

Join the Summit. Educate yourself and then educate others around the world.