ADL blasts Ann Coulter for 'ugly, borderline anti-Semitic' remarks after GOP debate

The Anti-Defamation League on Thursday harshly criticized Ann Coulter for  “ugly, spiteful and borderline anti-Semitic” remarks after the conservative firebrand sent what could be viewed as anti-Semitic tweets during the Republican presidential national debate on Wednesday night.
“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Coulter said on Twitter during the final minutes of the three-hour debate Wednesday evening, when four of eleven candidates mentioned their support for Israel in their closing remarks.
Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL National Director, also issued a statement blasting the best-selling author, saying that "While most of America has rightly tuned out Ann Coulter’s hyperbolic and hateful rhetoric, her irresponsible tweets during the Republican presidential candidate’s debate are truly a new low and must be called out."
Greenblatt went on to say that  "Ms. Coulter is pandering to the basest of her base," adding "All decent Americans should reject Ms. Coulter’s rhetoric as simply beyond the pale."