British rabbis oppose bill that would displace Beduins

The British Friend of Rabbis for Human Rights group has asked that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reconsider a bill on the Arrangement of Beduin Settlement in the Negev, which would displace 30,000-40,000 Beduin residents from their villages in the Negev into existing municipalities.
65 Rabbis from the Orthodox, Liberal, Reform and Masorti movements of Great Britain this week joined together to send letter of protest to Netanyahi, as well as Finance Minister Yair Lapid, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Welfare and Social Services Minister Meir Cohen.
Moving Beduin settlements, they argued, "disregards traditional family and kinship ties and the communal and social fabric of their villages and has already been shown to result in disastrous levels of unemployment, destitution and disillusion."
The Rabbis warn in the letter that the bill is likely to do serious damage to the international reputation of the State of Israel.