'Chief Rabbinate acknowledges validity of IDF conversions'

State authorities acknowledged that they recognize the validity of IDF-sponsored conversions to Judaism, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.
According to the report, the state acknowledged in its response - on behalf of the Chief Rabbinate - to a High Court petition by the Itim Institute that it places great importance on the continued existence of a conversion framework under army auspices and that the army conversion courts are part of the state-sanctioned conversion process operating under the authority of the Chief Rabbinate.
The Itim petition requested that the High Court issue a ruling to prevent rabbis from impeding anyone who successfully passed through army conversion program to register their marriage or to ask for further proof regarding the validity of their conversion to Judaism.
The rabbinate also publicized its decision to appoint four rabbis for special conversion courts and for marriage licenses to be obtained for a couple where one or both partners had successfully converted under a state-run process.