Coroner: 1 Asiana victim killed by a vehicle, not plane crash

SAN MATEO, Calif. - A teenage passenger on the Asiana Airlines plane that crashed in San Francisco died from injuries sustained after being run over by a motor vehicle, most likely a fire truck at the scene, officials said on Friday.
Ye Mengyuan, a 16-year-old girl who sat toward the rear of Flight 214, survived the Boeing 777's crash-landing but died from blunt force injuries consistent with being run over by an emergency response vehicle, San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault and San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White said at a news conference.
"Obviously this is very difficult news for us," Hayes-White said. "We're heart-broken. We're in the business of saving lives."
Ye was one of three Chinese girls who died in the July 6 crash. More than half of the 307 people on board the flight from Seoul were injured in the crash.