Hoffenberg runs for ‘Israel seat’ in French Parliament

Valerie Hoffenberg, of the right-wing UMP party, won the first round of legislative elections held on Sunday for the 8th region of the French Parliament, which represents French expats in Israel, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, San Marino and the Vatican.
The second and final round of the elections – in which Hoffenberg will face off against Meyer Habib of the independent UDI party – will take place on June 9.
According to the French Embassy in Tel Aviv, 20 candidates ran in the election. Hoffenberg received 2,479 votes while Habib garnered 1,744.
In May and June last year, an election was held for the representative of the 8th region, and French-Israeli Daphna Benhamou- Poznanski, of the Socialist Party, won the race. But her win was later contested and invalidated because her election campaign did not respect the strict financial rules governing political parties in France, which led to the new election this year.
The 8th region constitutes 111,736 votes, with Israelis making up 66,225 of them – close to 60 percent. Only 7.8% of eligible voters turned out this year.