'Mujahideen' talks in Iran cited in Canada train terrorism trial

TORONTO - Two men charged with plotting to derail a train traveling from New York to Toronto had their plans foiled by an undercover police officer who convinced them he could help pull off the attack, jurors heard at the opening of their trial on Monday.
One of the men, Tunisian Chiheb Esseghaier, told the undercover officer that he had met with "mujahideen" in Iran and had a plan in place with a "Palestinian brother," a reference to the second defendant, Raed Jaser, the court heard.
Mujahideen are radical Islamist guerilla fighters.
In opening remarks, prosecuting lawyers said the two were motivated by Islamic extremism and wanted to murder people to instill fear, and so that Canada and the United States would remove their troops from Muslim lands.
The pair also spoke of other plans, including the use of a sniper to target political leaders, the undercover officer said.