Sara Netanyahu attorney gives comment after three hours of investigation

Attorney Yossi Cohen, the lawyer of Sarah Netanyahu, said, "As expected, at the end of the investigation, it will become clear that this is another bunch of falsehoods and stories by State Comptroller Nir Hefetz, which contain nothing. When the other files crumble, invent new fictions. How long will the persecution of the Netanyahu family continue?"
Sara Netanyahu, wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arrived on Friday to the offices of the Lahav 433 police unit to answer questions regarding her conduct over a two year period, Channel 2 news reports.
Netanyahu is suspected of frauding the State Comptroller Office for two years by presenting that office with forged invoices concerning a donation she was meant to give an NGO as a substitute to paying the wages of former advisor Nir Hefetz.
Hefetz, who served as a top advisor to Prime Minister Netanyahu, agreed to become a state witness in March.
Between 2014 and 2015 the Netanyahu family was informed he must be paid for his work, yet it is unclear under which conditions he was employed.