Chief rabbi says no one fleeing South Africa

When South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein goes to a government function, he always receives double-wrapped kosher meals. This, he says, is illustrative of the government's treatment of the country's Jews. "The Jewish community has had positive relations with the South African government," he said. Goldstein also speaks highly of how the African National Congress's Jacob Zuma, who is expected to become president after the votes are totaled from Wednesday's legislative election, treats the Jewish community. While there were few anti-Semitic incidents in South Africa, there was one challenge Jews there faced, according to Goldstein. "Israel is a big issue," because most South Africans are sympathetic to the Palestinians and do not like the Jewish state, he said. "The Israeli government needs to put more efforts into its public relations to explain itself to the world," he said. Israel's image impacted the lives of Jews worldwide, he said. As for the increase in South African aliya, "this is positive aliya; it's not part of a broader trend of people fleeing."