'Dear rabbis: Women are quite capable of being abusers; it's not always the man!'

hot potato 224 (photo credit: )
hot potato 224
(photo credit: )
New! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc...) and we want to know what you have to say about it. TODAY'S HOT POTATO: Taken from article: A Jewish father's plea Talkback #: 6 Talkbacker: 'Aseh l'cha Rav' Text: I married a Jewess... and would have been much better off marrying a Roman Catholic who loved me and who would not have beaten my children while hiding behind the Jewish Orthodox community spreading vile lashon hara (libel), and committing the worst family terrorism imaginable. So, my dear boy, marry any woman who will love you and be a real partner with you. And, you, my dear rabbis, take your heads out of the sand and realize that women are quite capable of being abusers; it's not always the man! What do you think? The ball is in your court now. Click here to respond Previous Hot Potatos