This Week in Jerusalem 388635

Peggy Cidor’s round-up of city affairs.

Meretz activists protest bus ads claiming that short clothing shortens life. (photo credit: MERETZ)
Meretz activists protest bus ads claiming that short clothing shortens life.
(photo credit: MERETZ)
Historical sites
Some 4,000 sites in the city have been slated as “historical sites for preservation” by the municipality and the Society for the Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites.
In 68 neighborhoods 4,000 sites, buildings and several small neighborhoods have been numbered, categorized and designated to be preserved and eventually restored. The work was done over more than two years, and now the city has a completely computerized and detailed list of the historical sites and buildings.
The data include detailed card indexes of each site, which provide comprehensive information about the structures or areas.
The SPIHS, together with the municipality’s Preservation Committee, presided by city councillor Tamir Nir (Yerushalmim), has done remarkable work on the architectural and historical gems of Jerusalem, and from now on there will be clear delineations for historical sites, such as how and what to preserve, how to restore them if necessary and what additional work can be done on such buildings.
Academically green
The Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University was recently recognized as a “green campus” by the Environmental Protection Ministry. This means that the experts at the ministry deemed the campus as one that is managed by a Green Council. The council debates and decides regularly on environmental issues, organizes green and environmental community activities for various age groups, uses the natural resources of the site wisely and maintains a fair balance between the need to build and the need to preserve natural areas.
The French are coming
The recent violent events in Paris may have a significant impact on Jerusalem.
That is the basic assumption at the municipality. In fact, Mayor Nir Barkat has called upon the major local developers to get ready for a massive demand for housing by French Jews in the coming months. Barkat asked them to prepare various housing solutions, beginning with apartments fo r rent as a first step for French immigrants, as well as apartments and houses for purchase that would suit their needs.
At the same time, the city’s Absorption Department, headed by Pini Glinkevitch, is preparing a massive program of options for French Jews who decide to move here in the coming months.
In March, the department will hold a special event for that purpose in Paris, where French Jews will be able to get all the information they would need in regard to making aliya, such as housing, education and employment.
There are no official figures at present regarding aliya from France, but with a record number of 7,000 French Jews who made aliya in 2014, there may be an equal number or even more during 2015. A large number of French olim have chosen to live in Jerusalem, besides Netanya and Ashdod.
Campaign versus campaign
In reaction to a campaign that started a week ago in which signs on buses called on women to wear modest clothing to save lives, some members of Meretz launched a counter-campaign downtown. Some of the participants wore revealing clothing and paraded through the streets, while others held up placards that read “Terror is shortening lives” (as opposed to “Short clothing shortens life” as the original campaign slogan touted).
The Meretz campaigners asked Egged to remove the signs from the buses that call for modest attire, but the company responded that it does not interfere in the content of a campaign except in extreme cases.