Amikam Kimmelman has embarked on an ambitious project to establish a newcomer to the local jazz scene.
By BARRY DAVISStormy weather at Jaffa coast, January 2, 2014(photo credit: NATHAN WISE)
The fiftysomething saxophonist and educator has been performing and teaching jazz all over the country for over 30 years, and served as head of the Rimon School of Music for many years.Now he has launched a Headstart fundraising campaign to get the necessary financial resources together to get the Jaffa Jazz Festival off the ground. Kimmelman is well connected in the global jazz community and has lined up leading artists from across the world to perform in what he hopes will be the inaugural edition of the event, which is due to take place October 8-10, in Jaffa.The program takes in 10 concerts, with acclaimed jazz musicians performing in tribute shows which celebrate the music of iconic figures the likes of trumpeter Chet Baker, guitarist Wes Montgomery, saxophonist Joe Henderson and pianist Bill Evans. On the first two days the final performance slot will be followed by jam sessions that may well continue on into the wee hours.In order to make his dream a reality Kimmelman needs to reach the sum of NIS 120,000 by August 21. Thus far he has raised just over NIS 72,000, with supporters pledging a minimum of NIS 110 each, in return for which they can choose to attend one of the proposed concerts.Kimmelman says the festival will be a non-profit venture with all the artists, Israeli and non-Israeli alike, receiving fair remuneration for their efforts.“All the artists, guests from abroad and Israelis, are partners in the dream and do not make their participation and work contingent on receiving any payment at all,” Kimmelman stresses. “But I feel it is very important to give them their financial due.”To contribute to the Jaffa Jazz Festival: