The Jerusalem Post's top 5 stories of August 30

Ex Mossad chief says Israel's biggest threat is potential civil war, not Iran, Jewish GOP billionaire abandons Trump, 7,000-year-old pits found in North suggest sophisticated ancient irrigation.

JPost top 5 logo (photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
JPost top 5 logo
(photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
1. In his first public appearance since leaving office in June of this year, former Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo said the most pressing threat to Israel is not Iran, but rather it is the increased polarization within Israeli society.
Read more: Ex Mossad chief: Israel's biggest threat is potential civil war, not Iran
2. A fellow real estate billionaire of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has revoked his support for the candidate after incurring blowback for planning to attend a fundraiser in his name this weekend.
Read more: Jewish GOP billionaire abandons Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump
3. Like it or not, the day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist, Caroline Glick argues.
Read more: Our world: The end of Mahmoud Abbas
4. A packet of alleged Islamic State documents confiscated by rebel forces in Syria appear to shed light on the internal operations of the terrorist group, the US news outlet Daily Beast reported Tuesday.
Read more: Confiscated ISIS documents provide glimpse into terror group's inner workings
5. Seven thousand years ago, in northern Israel’s Tel Beit She’an Valley, ancient residents ate wheat, barley, buckwheat, lentils and peas. They also raised herds of goats, sheep, cattle and pigs, which were eaten mainly during festive events.
Read more: 7,000-year-old pits found in northern Israel suggest sophisticated ancient irrigation