Hadash head Henin hails court decision to overturn Balad and UAL ban

Hadash chairman Dov Henin on Wednesday hailed the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Central Elections Committee decision to disqualify Balad and UAL from running for Knesset. "We mustn't return to a situation in which the Supreme Court is the last defensive shield of Israeli democracy," he said in statement, "[Israel Beiteinu chairman Avigdor] Lieberman and the extreme Right are, again and again, pushing Israeli society and the political establishment into a very dangerous corner of negating human rights and of political transfer." Henin went on to say that the fact that the Right and Center parties, Labor and Kadima, included, had given their backing to "racist" proposals showed the need for a firm and aggressive Left, consisting of Jews and Arabs, in the next Knesset.