Likud appeals to drag into next week

Party's internal court convenes to deliberate on appeal of former MK Ratzon; Feiglin doesn't appeal.

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(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
The Likud's internal court convened past press time Thursday night to deliberate on the appeal of former MK Michael Ratzon, who was demoted last week along with former MK Ehud Yatom and activist Moshe Feiglin to slots 36-38 on the party's list from slots that were more realistic. Ratzon said that if he was not restored to his original slot he would appeal to the Tel Aviv District Court. Feiglin chose not to appeal, but he would return to the 20th slot on the list if Ratzon's appeal is successful. Earlier Thursday, the court decided not to disqualify World Likud chairman Danny Danon and Guy Yifrach, who were elected to slots 24 and 35 on the list, despite questions about whether they live in the regions the slots were reserved for. The court suggested that the Likud institute a minimum residency requirement to prevent candidates from temporarily changing their addresses to get elected. The court did not deal with an appeal filed by Ethiopia-born Aleli Admasu, who was removed on Wednesday from a slot reserved for an immigrant because he made aliya in 1983, two years before 1985, the year established by the committee as the earliest for a candidate to be considered a new immigrant. Adamsu will appeal on Sunday to the Tel Aviv District Court in an effort to return him to the list in place of Russian-born businessman Vladimir Shklar, who replaced him on Wednesday, or MK Ze'ev Elkin, whom he believes should not have been allowed to run for an immigrant slot that should have been reserved for a candidate who never served in the Knesset. Ethiopian supporters of Adamsu protested outside a Likud event in Ashdod on Thursday night. They are planning a mass demonstration for outside the Likud's Tel Aviv headquarters next week.