Netanya bomb may have been warning to target of Bat Yam shooting

A pipe bomb found outside a Netanya building on Friday may have been planted as a warning to Rami Amira, one of the alleged Abergil crime family associates targeted in the July 28 botched Bat Yam beach shooting in which innocent bystander Marguerita Lautin was killed in front of her husband and two children, police said. Sappers detonated the bomb, which was placed on a wall at the corner of Brodetzky and Jerusalem streets, not far from a kindergarten and near the home of Amira's mother, who he visits every Friday. The Serious and International Crimes Unit opened an investigation. A police source told Israel Radio that detectives were examining the possibility that the bomb was a warning to Amira not to cooperate with police in their investigation of Lautin's death.