Olmert: 'Israel's non-Jews suffer from inequality'

Speaking at minorities sector conference, Olmert says he'll work to reduce gaps between various population groups.

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(photo credit: AP)
"Israel's non-Jewish residents suffer from inequality," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Thursday. Olmert was speaking at a founding conference of the Minorities Sector Economic Development Authority's Advisory Council, which was also attended by senior Israeli economic and community leaders - Arab, Druse, Beduin and Jewish. "We cannot ignore the fact that we live in a society composed of 20 percent non-Jews, who have suffered from a lack of equality in various fields over the years," he said. Olmert called for a partnership between the various sectors and said that he would place high on his agenda practical proposals that would lead to a reduction in the gaps between the various population groups in Israel. "The goal is to create a mechanism to combine investments and involvement in all sectors, especially the business sector," he said. Olmert noted that the Prime Minister's Conference on the Minorities Sector would be held in a few months and that under its aegis, joint government-minorities sector teams would meet in order to present the government plans that have been prepared in cooperation and consultation with experts in various policy fields, including economics, education and local affairs.