Netanya's Laniado Hospital tests readiness for 'wounded' soldiers

Dozens of "wounded" soldiers streamed into Netanya's Laniado Hospital last week in a three-day exercise aimed at testing the hospital's ability to take care of mass injuries in a war or large-scale emergency, reports The Medical Connection Unit, which comes into action when soldiers are injured, worked with hospital staff to take care of the "injured" soldiers' medical and other needs, including locating their parents, arranging visits and providing other assistance. According to the report, the exercise aimed to recreate a scenario of large-scale injuries such as those that occurred during the Second Lebanon War or during the terrorist attacks in Netanya in past years. The Medical Connection Unit, made up of medical staff, rabbis, soldiers and officers, examined how well the hospital absorbed the "injured" soldiers, how well it took care of their families and how efficiently it contacted external bodies such as the Defense Ministry. No results were reported, although military doctors said the soldiers and their commanders "greatly appreciate the treatment, understanding and caring of the hospital team."