Blair: Two state solution the only way to peace

Quartet envoy urges both sides to use cease-fire to reach deal; calls for humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Blair 248 88 ap (photo credit: AP [file])
Blair 248 88 ap
(photo credit: AP [file])
A two-state solution is the only way to solve the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, Quartet Middle East envoy Tony Blair said Friday. The former British prime minister urged both sides to use the opportunity of the cease-fire which took effect June 19 to try to reach a peace agreement. During a visit to Norway, Blair also reiterated his calls for a new plan to provide "humanitarian help" to people in Gaza. Earlier this week Blair called off a planned visit to Hamas-ruled Gaza after the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) warned he may come under attack there. Blair said that he wanted to go to Gaza to tell people there that they "are not alone."