WATCH: Syrian child preacher says stop chasing half-naked women, look to your 72 virgins

The boy is a representative of Preachers for Jihad, set up by a Saudi preacher hoping to open a military training camp for teenagers.

Syrian Child Preacher: Stop Chasing Half-Naked Women
A child preacher in Syria was shown in a recent video calling on fighters to kill the enemies of jihad Syrian President Bashar Assad, in a video posted and translated by MEMRI.
"See how men today chase half-naked women, and forget all about the black-eyed virgins," the child said while telling a group of people on the street to kill their enemies in order to supposedly receive 72 virgins in heaven.
The boy, according to MEMRI, named Abu Ja'far, is a representative of Preachers for Jihad. The group was set up by a Saudi preacher and former fighter in Syria who has said in the past how he has plans to open a military training camp for boys over the age of 14.