Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of January 20, 2017

TIP FOR THE WEEK: Rush of energy is just what you need to get a project up and running.

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! You sometimes feel like a bee in a hive with all the activity going on around you while you sit quietly at your desk doing what you have to do. Not only don’t you see what the commotion is all about, you are delighted no to be caught up in all the drama. You have enough to keep you busy while you continue to check out other options. HINT: Financially all is under control which is due to your careful planning, considering all the unexpected gifts and expenses you have been paying out over the past few weeks.
This is a perfect week for pampering yourself and taking a step back from all the rush and bother you have been involved with lately. You need some quiet time to relax and enjoy the things which make you personally happy. Financially you are on your way but still have a bit to go before you can relax where money is concerned. A conversation with an elderly member of your family will remind you just how important this person is in your life even though you do need an added shot of patience. HINT: Rather independent these days you prefer working on your own.
You are more involved and connected than you feel comfortable with but for now there is no change in sight. By recognizing that not everything is under your control you will be able to deal with what you can manage and take a step back from the rest. A well-meaning friend will try to give you some advice and if you wish to avoid an argument, smile and then walk away. The middle portion of this week is family time so try not to bring your work home with you. HINT: Soon you will feel more energetic and that is when you will get your best work done.
Busy with friends and colleagues, you would rather spend the time at home reading and relaxing. However your natural good manners and desire to see some of these old friends will get you out of the house and socializing instead. Financially all is moving according to plan and even though you would like to see your stash growing larger, you have enough put away for any unexpected bills or repairs that always seem to crop up. HINT: A conversation with another earth sign will prove very interesting and an opportunity to work together may be in your near future.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
You seem to be depending on others more than usual at this time and no matter how uncomfortable this situation is, there is little you can to change it for the moment. Rather than getting upset and frustrate, take this time to learn and gather information, experience while solidifying new contacts. A secret shared is no longer a secret and if you have been entrusted with the private feelings of someone close to you do not betray that trust. A word spoken out of turn could destroy more than just an old friendship. HINT: Financially there is always room for improvement and the sooner you get your priorities straightened out, the better
You are tired of being smart all the time and yearn to simply stay under the covers, reading a good book, drinking coffee and walking away from all your responsibilities for a day or two. Do it! Absolutely nothing will happen if you retire from the world for forty-eight hours and relax both mentally as well as physically. You have been everyone’s strength for so long…not that you mind, but sometimes it is a mighty weight you carry on your shoulders.
HINT: Financially you could be in a more secure place, but you are working on it.
Always the center of attention there are times when you would rather blend into the crowd and forgo all the attention. Take some time this week to enjoy the company of your partner or mate for a quiet meal either at home or at your favorite restaurant. It has been a while since you have some quiet time together without family and friends tagging along. Financially you are still trying to build up your nest egg and when the time comes you will have the money you need. HINT: Wednesday and Thursday are your best days for getting important work done.
You even shock yourself some times when you see how much you have grown and how far you have come since being a little more flexible! Both your family and close friends are very appreciative that you are willing to keep an open mind. A discussion with a person you trust and respect will help you to see something you may have overlooked. This vital piece of information is exactly what you needed in order to make an important decision.
HINT: Financially you are just fine even though some expenses have unexpectedly come your way.
Your partner or mate has your back and the more time you spend in each other’s company, the more grateful you are for this special relationship in your life. When you have the time, reach out to an old friend who is going through a rough patch and just needs a reminder that you are in his/her corner. A little kindness on your part will go a very long way. Financially you are still scrambling but as you are super aware of your situation all is under control. HINT: Wednesday and Thursday are good days for relaxing at home
When in doubt trust your intuition.
You will be meeting new and important people in the weeks to come and by keeping your radar alert you will begin to know who you can trust. Old friendships are extremely special to you and this week you will have the opportunity to do something very nice for someone you hold dear. Financially you would love to have everything settled and stop worrying about money but for the time being you need to curb any unnecessary spending and tighten your belt just a little bit. HINT: Take some time during the latter portion of this week to speak to a sibling.
Things are looking up and you have learned so much this past year.
Things did get a little out of hand and money was a problem for a time, but now you seem to have everything under control and once again you are in the driver’s seat. The lessons you learned will stand you in good stead for a very long time. A conversation with an elderly member of your family will smooth over a slight misunderstanding. When dealing with a water sign remember that this person is super sensitive and has a very long memory
Things have been rather rocky lately and now is not the time to make an important decision. Wait until you are not so emotionally invested in the situation and can quietly and calmly work things out. You have been in charge for so long that sometimes you would simply love to rest your load and let someone else carry it for a while. Financially you continue to watch your spending very carefully and are getting closer to reaching your goal.
HINT: Sometimes you have the feeling you are talking yet no one is listening. Don’t give up your message is being heard.