Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of May 8, 2015

Tip for the week: Better to say too little than too much this week.

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
A great deal of thought and energy is now focused around money, property and income. You are moving in the right direction and there is no need for haste. Take your time and test the waters carefully. Once you make your move you can’t go back. Time spent with a Cancer is extremely pleasant this week so make the effort to clear your slate for a few hours. Once again this will be a busy week professionally so take notes and be prepared to answer some interesting questions.
HINT: By Thursday you will be ready to enjoy a quiet evening with a special friend.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
Mentally restless you will find that this week you are especially anxious to begin a new project or two. But, take a step back before making any commitments.
If you are not ready to complete the work at hand, then call in your team and let them take over. A simple conversation could heat up quickly and if this is what you need to clear the air then go ahead. If not, walk away. In a few days things will calm down and that is when sharing your thoughts and feelings will have a much stronger effect.
HINT: Not a good week for retail therapy.
You are feeling more optimistic and as your heavy workload begins to ease up you will have the opportunity to enjoy working on a personal project or two. People are always turning to you for advice and this week you will be able to do something special for someone important in your life.
Sometimes the most wonderful gifts are the little things which make a difference…and you intuitively know just what to pick.
HINT: Financially things are a little tight this week, but by careful planning you will be just fine.
Although you would prefer staying home curled up with a good book, social obligations will be keeping you busy this week. Once you get dressed and out of the house, you will be happy you accepted the invitation.
The people you meet professionally this week will be more than happy to answer your questions and help you to see things from a different point-of-view. As soon as you complete the project you are working on a new and very interesting opportunity will arise, so get to work!
HINT: If you don’t need it, don’t buy it right now.
Don’t complain about being misunderstood if you are not prepared to listen to another’s point-ofview.
In this instance there is more than one option and, if you are open to suggestion, will discover that not only can you work harmoniously together, but that you enjoy each other’s company! Financially you continue watching your situation carefully but no matter how much to try to cut back there is always another bill or expense that needs dealing with.
HINT: Time spent with your partner and/or mate continues to be a bright part of your day.
Money and financial matters need looking into and this time you must sit down with a financial advisor and plan for the coming months. You will be happy to know that all your hard work is making a difference and soon the pressure you have been living with over expenses will begin to fade. A conversation with another air sign may not bring the results you expected but once you consider the source you will be able put things into perspective.
HINT: Your connection with a sibling is strong and soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy some one-onone time.
When in doubt trust your intuition and you won’t err. There is so much going on around you and you have neither the time nor inclination to get involved. Along the way someone’s feelings may be hurt but a quick phone call will soon smooth things over. Tuesday and Wednesday are your most creative days this week and good days for working closely with your partner and/or mate.
HINT: Financially you may be spending more than you should, so take a step back and examine your situation honestly and carefully.
You need a break but for the time being work and professional obligations continue to take up much of your week.
The good news is that you enjoy what you do and like the people you are working with. On the other hand, by the time you get home you are exhausted and don’t seem to have the patience necessary for your family. There is a limit to their understanding, so take a step back this week and make arrangements for a family outing.
HINT: You aim high and one by one will soon reap the rewards of all your hard work.
There never seems to be enough hours in the day as between your professional and personal obligations you are pushed to the limit. Your partner and/or mate is more than willing to help you along the way and the more you work together the easier and more pleasant the chore. This weekend will provide a perfect opportunity for you both to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Financially you continue to control your spending and will have the money you need when the time comes.
HINT: A conversation with an older member of the family will help ease the tensions.
Sunday and Monday are good days for taking care of personal business and this is the time for some g u i l t - f r e e pampering. You earned it! Your workload continues to take up much of your time but the cooperation between yourself and your co-workers helps to break the tension. Some of the goals you set have been put on a back burner and soon you will realize that you have nothing to be sorry about. In the coming months things will fall gently into place and you will understand the delay.
HINT: Your communication skills are strong this week.
Although you have the feeling you are moving at a snail’s pace, the truth is that you are making headway and soon will you will be free enough to push forward with your plans. For the time being, tie off loose ends and clear your desk.
When opportunity knocks you will be ready. Always ready to lend a helping hand you may have to change some of your plans this week in order to be free for someone who needs you.
HINT: Be patient with an elderly member of the family. It isn’t always easy to spend a great deal of time with this person but you won’t be sorry.
You are beginning to feel impatient with the status quo and are ready to tackle something new and exciting.
You have the skills, the intelligence, the energy and the ability to deal with any bumps along the way and when the time is right, you will be ready. Family obligations can’t be avoided, so plan accordingly. You enjoy entertaining and rather than go out this weekend, invite a few close friends over for an informal meal and some great conversation.
HINT: Financially things are calming down and you can begin to relax once more.
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Better to say too little than too much this week.