Measles outbreak in children’s theater show in Haifa

The show, written and directed by Yair Shafira, tells the story of a young boy who travels to an island in which a wizard has the answers to all questions.

A nurse holds a vial of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (photo credit: REUTERS/BRIAN SNYDER)
A nurse holds a vial of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine
(photo credit: REUTERS/BRIAN SNYDER)
The Ministry of Health warned the public on Sunday about a possible Measles outbreak that took place during a performance of the children’s theater show “A Journey to the mysterious island Laffa” on April 22 between ten a.m. and noon. 
The show, written and directed by Yair Shafira, tells the story of a young boy who travels to an island in which a wizard has the answers to all questions. 
The Ministry of Health requested people suffering from coughing, fever, rashes, eye infections or a runny nose to avoid being in public spaces where others might be infected. 
The ministry encouraged those suffering from such symptoms, and visited the theater on that date, to seek medical attention.