Horoscopes for Tishrei 5780: Using our mouths to bless ourselves, each other

Libra (Moznayim) is the constellation of Hodesh Tishrei (September 30 – October 28). The Cardinal Air sign of Libra is represented by the scales of justice. Tishrei is the western axis of the Zodiac and the Tribal configuration around the Mishkan (Tabernacle).

astrology (photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
(photo credit: yael yitzchaki)
Libra (Moznayim) is the constellation of Hodesh Tishrei (September 30 – October 28). The Cardinal Air sign of Libra is represented by the scales of justice. Tishrei is the western axis of the Zodiac and the Tribal configuration around the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The west/Ephraim side of the Tabernacle was the place of the Gershonites, the Levitical family whose job it was to carry and care for the ornamental coverings, tapestries, and holy objects of beauty and adornment for the Mishkan as it traveled.
Libra supports partnerships, beautifies body, soul, actions and environment, shines the lustrous Noga/Venus light upon everything and makes it lovelier. Our tradition links beauty with justice and righteousness: the prophet tells us “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger of good tidings that announces peace, the harbinger of good tidings.” Proverbs says physical beauty is a fleeting vanity but respectful awe for one’s Creator is a praiseworthy attribute which fades not, unlike the first bloom of youthful vigor.
The New Moon in Libra September 28 emphasizes fairness, equity, and doing righteousness because it is the right thing to do rather than the expedient or profitable thing – all these issues will be thematic around the New Year 5780, for us as individuals and for the Jewish people as a whole. The bold and beautiful Full Aries Moon Erev Sukkot October 13 gives us courage to pursue justice, protect the weak, and model mercy.
The year 5780 in Hebrew is Taf Shin Pei, and Pei is “mouth.” With the mouth we speak either words of grace, truth, healing and reconciliation, or words that hurt, tear down, and destroy, and for Am Yisrael this year of all years the Pei is all-powerful. May we use our mouths to bless ourselves and each other for a sweet and happy New Year.
It’s all about relationships and balancing partnerships with personal autonomy for Mars-ruled Aries this month, as the Sun and Mars transits through Venus-ruled Libra, your solar opposite. Aries is Yehuda and Libra is Ephraim, and it is these two sticks which become one (Ezekiel 37), symbolizing ultimate unity, a taste of which you yourself are now invited to experience, especially at the Aries Full Moon October 13, Erev Sukkot. Your ability to give and receive love is at its peak; your cup overfloweth. Fear not to give yourself over to the powerful urge to become one with your love.
Venus-ruled Tishrei brings relationship harmony, pleasure, and the urge to beautify one’s self and environment for Taurus, especially through October 7 with Venus in Libra. Surprising (to you and/or others!) decisions and declarations of romantic commitment October 14-16 arise from the heart’s deepest wellsprings broken open by Venus in solar opposite Scorpio October 8-9, which is Yom Kippur. By the time break-fast arrives on Yom Kippur October 8, you’ll be desiring to drink deeply from these living waters! Discern between a healthy idealism and punishing perfectionism October 21 and adjust for grace and mercy, both for yourself and others.
You can think clearly now, the haze is gone. Sun in fellow air-sign Libra during Tishrei supports your mental processes, while ruling planet Mercury in Mars/Pluto Scorpio after October 3 focuses your thoughts with laser-like precision. This could be the month you’re most likely to hatch the lightbulb-over-your-head idea which has been hovering just out of reach for some time. Bountiful Tzedek/Jupiter in the Benyamin territory of solar opposite Sagittarius brings shefa/bounty, especially around October 17-18 and the whole week of Hol Hamoed Sukkot. Friendships, fellowships, comrades and camaraderie go deep now, forgoing frivolity in favor of the profound.
The Full Aries Moon of Sukkot October 13 offers Yehuda-like courage: apply liberally to daunting doubt and creeping fear. A square from Sun in Libra October 5 and Mars October 21 to North Node in Cancer invites you to shift your energies away from non-fruit-bearing occupations. Cut your losses and course-correct if necessary but only after dispassionate evaluation by trusted confidantes who may help you see the forest from the trees. Cancer/Reuven’s family ties bind like tefillin, not tight enough to cut circulation. To thine own tender-hearted self be true by the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer October 22.
Sun in Venus-ruled Libra during Tishrei makes you a happy camper Leo, most of all during Sukkot, kicked off by a brave, beautiful trine from Full Moon in Aries October 13. The urge to beautify yourself and your surroundings should be succumbed to without regret. Tzedek/Jupiter literally expands your capacity as a gracious host and a sparkling guest during Hol Hamoed. Your joyful heart peaks October 21-22, which is Shmini Atzeret/Simhat Torah. Defender of the weak and helper of the helpless is your not-so-secret superpower. Woe to them that try to do harm to those under your protection October 23-27.
Tishrei begins with the communal soul searching and heart cleansing of Rosh Hashanah, which are analytic Virgo’s specialties. Planetary ruler Mercury in Scorpio after October 3 supports extra deep spiritual cleaning, joined to Venus on Yom Kippur. This means ridding yourself of the idols of punishing perfectionism, harsh judgmentalism, a critical eye and a sharp tongue. Virgo knows humility is the soil in which grace blooms best: accept the Divine’s undeserved favor for others as well as for yourself. Avoid misunderstandings by clarifying expectations October 17-18, cross-check for viability October 23-24. There are no stupid questions, only stupid assumptions.
Tishrei is your time to shine forth in all your splendorous beauty! Like your planetary ruler Noga/Venus, Libra’s lustrous glow is enhanced by relationships. Whether a romantic interest, a best friend or a trusted partner, the “other” is you and you are the “other” when your hearts are as one during this month, which for you has the greatest potential for harmony and balance of the entire year. The bold, bright Aries Full Moon on Erev Sukkot October 13 opens your heart to strangers; the Last Quarter Moon in compassionate Cancer October 23 opens your hand to the needy.
Your power to attract is at its zenith during Tishrei. Planetary ruler Maadin/Mars in Venus-ruled Libra knows how to fight fair for love; Venus in Mars-rules Scorpio knows how to fight to win, no matter the cost. Mercury in Scorpio after October 3 makes you a powerful and persuasive communicator. New Moon in Scorpio October 28 with Sun/Moon opposite Uranus heralds surprising and perhaps unusual transformations – possibly triggered by the courage to tell the most fundamental truth about yourself to the ones who matter most. Burying the past and developing your most authentic self is now your priority.
Tishrei is as full of potentiality for a creatively satisfying month as a pomegranate is full of seeds for Tzedek/Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Summon your forces of frankness and powers of prescient truth-telling October 2-3, prove you’re able to make a little go a long way at the First Quarter Capricorn moon October 5, and by the Full Aries Moon on Erev Sukkot October 13, your courage and optimism through lean times pays off with marvelous bounty. A generous heart attracts generosity; a hospitable home radiates welcome to all. These are your greatest assets during Tishrei. Spend them well and wisely.
Powerful Pluto stations Direct after a 5-month Retrograde, leading his race with Saturn to their Capricorn conjunction in January 2020 – suddenly not so very far away. Lassitude time is behind you, and Tishrei’s delights are yours to take proactive pleasure in, if you’ll accept open hands and hearts from unexpected sources on the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn October 5. The limits of justice and the boundaries of mercy are highlighted by planetary ruler Shabbtai/Saturn’s square to Mars in fair-minded Libra at the New Moon in Scorpio October 27. Trust yourself and prepare to be both steady and ready.
The Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are particularly powerful for you this year, Aquarius. With the Sun and Mars in a supportive Libra trine, you’re energized to relate to others graciously and with a generous heart. The Full Aries Moon on Erev Sukkot encourages assertive efforts to connect beyond your normal social circle. You’re known for your attraction to the unusual, and your ability to find beauty in the obscure or overlooked is a precious commodity in this world that values the superficial. Extending kindness is an investment in your own secure foundation and future.
You’re still on a Jupiter-Neptune high from last month, which is good timing because Tishrei just wants to keep the party going if supplies last. You’re in the mix more for the profound revelations than the pleasure principle. Your mind-body connection and spirit-self-consciousness is enhanced on Yom Kippur as you experience the integrative power of wholeness through this highest of days: a “yom” (day) k’Purim (like Purim), Pisces’ personal season of deepest spiritual growth. Fragmentation is clearly exposed as a temporary illusion, and by the Scorpio New Moon October 27 you’re ready for a new level of regeneration and renewal.
Author and multi-media communicator Lorelai Kude began her career as a professional astrologer in the 1980s. She holds a BA in Journalism from San Francisco State University and a MA in Jewish Studies from Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, where her thesis topic was astrology in Jewish cultural history. Find more of her work at astrolojew.com