Letters to the Editor: February 22

To say “there are no judges in Jerusalem” strikes a chord, although the chord ain’t “Hallelujah.”

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Zoabi and the court
Sir, – Regarding “High Court: Zoabi, Marzel back in race” (February 19), there is a limit to all things, with no exceptions. This includes democracy – for example, by calling brutal murderers “freedom fighters” and by having been aboard the Mavi Marmara and not warning our soldiers that an attack was being prepared for them, as would be expected of any member of Knesset. This makes MK Haneen Zoabi a willing participant in the life-threatening shipboard attacks on our soldiers.
Trying to contain extremism like that of Zoabi is like nothing less than swallowing a razor blade. I am full of hope that the High Court of Justice will eventually understand that it is forbidden to allow her to serve at the forefront of democracy in the State of Israel.
To say “there are no judges in Jerusalem” strikes a chord, although the chord ain’t “Hallelujah.”
Sir, – The discussion should not center around whether MK Haneen Zoabi incites to violence (for which courts set a very high standard), but rather the violence and law-breaking that she has actually committed.
Zoabi’s participation in the Mavi Marmara episode involved violence against the State of Israel and the breaking of its laws. The Mavi Marmara was trying to break a weapons blockade. That act alone was illegal. In addition, there were weapons on the ship and clear plans to attack IDF soldiers.
And when soldiers tried to help the wounded, Zoabi herself blocked them.
These are the acts that should result in the banning of her candidacy, as well as a criminal indictment.
Sir, – Frances Raday’s revelation in “Sectarian religious values threaten Israel” (Comment & Features, February 19), that the dominance of religious values is “nowhere more apparent than in Israel and its dangers for democracy are nowhere more palpable,” was a real eye-opener for me.
I must have missed the news about female genital mutilation and public beheadings in Israel in the name of religion. Gays and other dissenters from traditional religious values had better not raise their heads publicly here or they will lose them. I also expect that Israeli women will soon be banned from driving and able to walk around in public only in religiously approved attire.
I had not appreciated that the only political parties permitted in Israel are those based on “sectarian religious values.” I must carefully examine their election manifestos to see which sect Meretz or the Zionist Union represent.
Hopefully, Ms. Raday and her New Israel Fund colleagues will soon focus their zealous attention on other countries, like Sweden, Norway or even Luxembourg, which are also notorious for the dominance of sectarian religious values over democratic ones.
Spending habits
Sir, – With regard to “Comptroller: Netanyahu’s spending habits could lead to criminal charges” (February 18), I find it very strange that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, are only now being investigated.
Why were their expenses not controlled on an annual basis? We all summarize our expenses on an annual basis when we file taxes.
The invasion of privacy of a couple living under stress and constantly with bodyguards is pretty disgusting. There are many wealthy Israelis living just like them, but not having the enormous stress of running a country like Israel.
These matters have been brought to the forefront by Netanyahu’s rivals. It is a move of desperation.
Nobody is as qualified as Bibi. Period. I will be voting for him, no matter what.
Sir, – How is it possible for such a campaign against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take place so close to an election? Perhaps the election process would be fairer if the investigation had been made public after the election. Or maybe the investigation in itself is a deliberate election ploy?
Petah Tikva
Reason for shame
Sir, – A few years ago, at a festive dinner, a French diplomat called Israel a “shitty” country.
This was outrageous, insulting and, at that time, in my opinion, without reason.
Today, when I observe the absence of culture, manners and civility in our politicians, I am coming to the conclusion that the French diplomat had reason to say what he said. Vulgarity of language, permissiveness in insulting others at the lowest level, open anger and a lack of manners are enough reason to be ashamed.
The worst of this is that no one seems to be paying attention to the huge problem of electioneering misbehavior by some of our politicians. I would suggest that your newspaper act as an educational tool by criticizing such behavior.
To my regret, your paper is losing the objectivity and high standards it once had. This is obvious from your constant negative views and non-objective highlights of everything to do with our prime minister and his personal life.
Count her in
Sir, – I support Yossi Kuperwasser’s call (“Kuperwasser: We must protest Iran deal outside US Embassy,” February 18).
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress is scheduled for March 3, which coincides with the Fast of Esther, would this not be an appropriate time for such a demonstration against the ongoing threats against us from Haman’s successors? Count me in!
Let me show you
Sir, – In “Barkat accused of turning E1 corridor to Jerusalem into landfill” (February 18), reporter Daniel K. Eisenbud refers to E1 as “a contested hilltop.”
Please note that E1 is not a hilltop at all. It spans 12 square kilometers and is the main body of land between Ma’aleh Adumim and Jerusalem. I personally invite Mr. Eisenbud to Ma’aleh Adumim to view the area and see for himself.
Ma’aleh Adumim
Abolish the presidency
Sir, – Now that the unelected President Reuven Rivlin has seen fit to further criticize the elected leader of Israel (“Rivlin criticizes PM’s Congress speech,” February 16), it is clear that he, like his two predecessors, has debased the office of the presidency by making partisan, political comments.
By all accounts, Rivlin is an honorable man. He should apologize for his blatant political interference and pledge not to do it again (although I am not holding my breath).
It is clear, however, that we lack politicians who can rise above their pompousness to serve the nation and not their own agenda.
As such, the office of the presidency should be abolished, and the money wasted on it spent instead on the myriad problems this country has.
Ignoring the North
Sir, – Yet again, you assume that Netanya is the northern border of Israel. While cities as far south as Beersheba will host an English-language panel discussion sponsored by The Jerusalem Post and AACI for English-speaking Israelis, Haifa and the North are totally neglected.
Last week, a public-spirited British woman invited a selection of Haifa-based friends and contacts to a drawing room meeting in her home to hear Yesh Atid MK Dov Lipman. I am sure that if all the parties had sent a panel to address these Anglos, they would have filled an assembly hall.
Perhaps the fact that they did not is also a statement of how much they value English-speaking aliya.