April 12: Time to get serious

It seems that any time the Arabs in Gaza feel frisky they can just lob rockets, mortar bombs, and now even an anti-tank missile at a school bus.

Time to get serious
Sir, – We are fed up. It seems that any time the Arabs in Gaza feel frisky they can just lob missiles, mortar bombs, and now even an anti-tank rocket at a school bus (“IDF vows to keep up air strikes as 120 projectiles from Gaza pound South,” April 10).
Maybe the time has come to get serious and clean out this nest of scorpions. The last time we did it we were not allowed to finish the job, although Operation Cast Lead did have a deterrent effect for a couple of years.
People are now talking about “Cast Lead 2.” I have a better name: “Dayenu.”
Sir, – Hamas fires rockets at will into Israel, and Israeli leaders respond by talking tough.
Earth to Israel: The Arabs never respond to tough talk. They do respond to massive military actions that take thousands of their lives. You did nothing when the Fogel family was massacred, and nothing when a school bus was targeted, so why should the Palestinians stop? I know, the world gets angry at you when you hit back hard, but CNN and France can’t hurt you – rockets can.
Israel brings shame to Jews everywhere when it doesn’t fight back. These are the Jews of my grandfather, not the Israel of my youth.
PHIL GOODMAN Edison, New Jersey
Sir, – This is not a new suggestion, but one that the IDF should reconsider. Who is giving the orders for the latest aggression from Gaza? Don’t we know? Let’s target their houses. Make the leaders of Hamas suffer.
If we want to avoid collateral deaths, let’s bombard those houses with warning flyers first.
We should precede such action with a public relations blitz as to just what our plan is and why we are implementing it, so that any collateral deaths will be clearly understood by the world.
Let’s stop reacting with kid gloves and hit their leaders where it hurts.
RON BELZER Petah Tikva
Sir, – Although I am probably alone in my opinion and feel sure to arouse the anger of your readers, I cannot help but wonder what would happen if we used the old motto: Turnabout is fair play.
If Israel were suddenly to randomly fire 120 missiles and mortar shells into Gaza over a period of two days, and repeat firing using an exact one-to-one ratio with those missiles fired upon us, I am sure the Gazans would very quickly turn on their government and make sure it eliminates those involved in the violence. If they had to sleep worrying about their lives night after night, they would be far less sympathetic to their jihadis and actively work to eliminate the threat they cause their own people.
Also, the world could no longer state that the Israeli response was disproportionate to the provocation.
Spoonful of sugar
Sir, – All kudos and many thanks to David Horovitz for his tongue-in-cheek but oh-so-true article (“Those fiendish Jews and their damned life-saving innovations,” April 10).
Once again we Israelis are being goaded by our enemies, and once again we feel powerless.
But Horovitz gave us a wonderful, Churchillian message that we can overcome them, come what may.
I left the house this morning with a smile on my face and with my best foot forward. In my opinion, we should have a dose of this at least once a week – it helps make the nasty medicine go down.
Sir, – David Horovitz hits the nail on its head. His article would have been absolutely hilarious if, sadly, it were not so deadly serious.
RACHEL BIRATI Melbourne, Australia
Sir, – Occasionally, a journalist comes up with a really brilliant piece. David Horovitz has written a perfect one. Congratulations! If The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or The Daily Telegraph do not reprint it, something is very wrong with the West.
Rules of the rails
Sir, – In “60 hurt as trains collide near Netanya” (April 8), you cite a Channel 2 report that the operator of the train who passed a red signal during rush hour last Thursday had six prior violations.
There can be no excuse for this.
One train can, and very often does, carry hundreds of passengers.
The rule here should be the same as in England (and, no doubt, in other countries): A train operator who ignores a signal is never again allowed to drive a train, whatever the excuse and whatever punishment is imposed.
Sir, – To think a train driver is still behind the throttle after six prior violations gives me the heebie- jeebies. Israel Railways seem to be running off the track.
Sir, – Two articles in the April 8 Jerusalem Post illustrate our lack of proper national priorities: A train collision was caused by an engineer with six prior violations, and Channel 10 is determined to convict our prime minister of double-billing for trips taken over six years ago (“Likud: We have proof PM never double-billed flights”).
The Post and Channel 10 should be more concerned with fatal and near-fatal automobile accidents caused by drivers with multiple traffic convictions.
Where is the media outrage against judges who allow dangerous drivers to threaten the rest of us? Where is the media outrage against judges who give the minimum punishment for murders with automobiles, buses and trucks? Where is the media outrage against companies that continue to employ traffic offenders as drivers? Dangerous drivers kill and maim more of us than do our enemies. Perhaps the Post should take the lead in a media campaign against dangerous drivers, the transportation companies that employ them, and their enablers, the lenient judges.
Analytical serenity
Sir, – I commend Maurice Ostroff (“Setting the record straight on Goldstone,” Comment & Features, April 8) for his calm and unemotional analytical style.
It may surprise you to know that here in far-away India I regularly read The Jerusalem Post and that I particularly appreciate the writings of David Horovitz and columnists like Isi Leibler, who always have something to contribute to our understanding of the Arab-Israel conflict.
Let’s have more by these intelligent, non-hysterical commentators.
Revolting aberration
Sir, – I must respond to Margery G. Feinstein’s letter of April 8 (“Walk in the park?”) in which she describes a despicable attack on a caregiver.
I live in a haredi neighborhood.
Recently, an elderly woman passed away. As the family was well known, the attendance at the funeral was quite large. At least two of the eulogizers spent time publicly thanking the Filipina caregiver for her dedicated service to the deceased.
The behavior of the man who assaulted the caregiver is revolting but an aberration by any community standard.
Sir, – In your April 8 issue we were treated to a letter about an obviously Orthodox man who allegedly spit in the face of a Filipina caregiver for no apparent reason.
I maintain that you wouldn’t have published this letter had the attacker not been described as Orthodox. An Orthodox Jew acting grotesquely is a story too juicy for the increasingly secular Jerusalem Post to ignore.
ABE KRIEGER Highland Park, New Jersey