November 25: ‘Study’ makes waves

One more unrelenting, escalating, categorical declaration of the diabolical intensity to disenfranchise Judaism of every essence of its legitimacy.

letters 88 NICE (photo credit: )
letters 88 NICE
(photo credit: )
‘Study’ makes waves
Sir, – I initially reacted to November 23’s lead headline (“PA ‘study’ claims Kotel was never part of Temple Mount”) with mild derision about wasted space – until the enormity of its repetitive message captured my thinking. It is one more unrelenting, escalating, categorical declaration of the diabolical intensity to disenfranchise Judaism of every essence of its legitimacy (while our government, perhaps sincerely, continues to negotiate).
Sir, – Search Wikipedia in Arabic for “Wailing Wall” and you will find an article that bears little resemblance to the English search results for the same.
Except for one small photo and mention of Jewish attempts to purchase the site over the years, the two encyclopedia pieces have little in common. In the Arabic version there is only al- Buraq Wall as part of the al-Aksa Mosque.
The Arabic reading public has had this information at its fingertips; it is news only to the English- reading population.
Sir, – By couching the headline of the article (which is, if anything, worth only a sub-paragraph on Page 4) in these terms, you are actually giving credence to the most spurious of claims, which, after all, were not made by anyone who remotely could be called unbiased.
This trend of adopting, albeit unintentionally, the agenda of our enemies is currently all too prevalent in our media
Sir, – I simply don’t understand how you can put a propaganda piece of imaginary history above the fold on Page 1. Such obvious nonsense deserves to be ignored by every reputable paper, and you relegate real news that has infinitely more importance to our existence as a nation far below (“Knesset okays referendum bill on ceding parts of Golan, east Jerusalem”).
It is not news that the Arabs want to deny the Jews’ historical right to their homeland. Unfortunately, it’s old hat. But it is news – again, unfortunately – when our Knesset does the correct thing to defend our rights to this land!
Beit Shemesh
Tremendous victory
Sir, – Congratulations to the Knesset on successfully passing the Jerusalem-Golan referendum law.
This law is in some ways a covenant between that body and the citizens of Israel. It says that Jerusalem, the Golan and other lands are not baubles belonging to the politician who happens to be in office, to be traded away at the negotiating table. These lands of Israel, earned by the sacrifice of the people of Israel, now belong to the people.
The law enhances Israel’s security by reducing the people’s insecurity. I cannot count how many times I dreaded the thought that the prime minister would split Jerusalem street-bystreet, and we – like servants – would awake the next day to be told of the agreements. I remember with horror when former prime minister Ehud Barak came within a handshake of surrendering the Golan – for a piece of paper.
This law also gives a measure of direct democracy to Israelis.
The voices of the people now count. The elites must answer to the people. This is a tremendous victory for Israeli citizens.
You first
Sir, – Regarding “The face of Israel in a West Bank courtroom” (Rattling the Cage, November 24), I would like to suggest that when a Palestinian paper wrings its hands about the treatment of Gilad Schalit in a Hamas prison, I will worry about the treatment of Arabs in Israeli courtrooms.
‘Religious’ sentiments?
Sir, – Your November 23 editorial (“Milk, honey and jobs”) contains a gross inaccuracy when referring to the pre-state pioneers.
You write that these people were “a cadre of Zionist intellectuals passionately imbued with a combination of romanticism, socialism and deep-seated religious sentiments for the Land of Israel....”
Many of the halutzim came from liberal, secular homes and/or socialist youth movements (e.g., Hashomer Hatzair) that were totally atheistic and non-religious, and even anti-religious.
These people had deep Zionist sentiments that Israel was the right place for the Jewish people, but these sentiments were far from religious.
Rishon Lezion
Wit-picking critics
Sir, – One shrinks at apprising Ronald Green of his antiquated notions of proper English usage in The Jerusalem Post, particularly since its solecisms are hardly infrequent. But his tilting at imaginary windmills, such as the employment of the entirely proper “used to be” in place of “was” (“Grammatically, the wrong side,” Letters, November 23), is reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s comment to one who queried his placing a preposition at the end of a sentence. “That, sir,” responded Churchill, “is something up with which you will have to put.”
Hanegbi in ‘Post’
Sir, – I was shocked when I read the Letters section in the days following Tzahi Hanegbi’s self-serving op-ed piece (“Kadima and the Likud, time to try again,” November 22).
I expected letters of outrage over your willingness to accept an opinion piece from him. I guess political wisdom (if that’s what it is) trumps moral turpitude.
How kind of you to sign off so innocently with “The writer is a former Kadima MK.” Honestly, aren’t you guys embarrassed?
Hagee overlooked
Sir, – The Washington Post carried a very informative story about the visit here of Pastor John Hagee, accompanied by 40 other pastors from the United States, South America and South Africa, meeting on November 15 with Prime Minister Netanyahu.
The visit was sponsored by Christians United for Israel.
Netanyahu, in spite of being pressured on the settlement freeze issue by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, managed to devote valuable time to meeting Hagee and his group. No doubt he found the meeting refreshing and was encouraged to receive from Hagee a copy of the “Pledge to Israel,” with 325,000 signatures of Christian Zionists pledging their unconditional love and support.
Certainly, Hagee and Christians United for Israel, which has contributed over $78 million to numerous Israeli and Jewish causes in the past decade, deserve media coverage by The Jerusalem Post. Additionally, Israelis need to know about the generosity and moral support of these caring Christian Zionists.
Zichron Ya’akov
True path to peace
Sir, – We are moved by the sufferings of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples. This suffering has gone on too long and must not be allowed to continue. We know that both Israelis and Palestinians have committed acts of violence against each other.
We are also aware of the huge inequality of power between them.
As people of faith, we challenge all people, and particularly people of faith, not to put their trust in tanks or bombs or military aggression, but to open themselves to the spirit of love that counsels a path of nonviolence.
Such a path recognizes the dignity of all peoples and seeks solutions to conflicts through just and peaceful means.
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Kitchener, Ontario
The writer is clerk of the Kitchener Area Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)