'The Christian Post' editor resigns, says editors are on 'Team Trump'

An editor at 'The Christian Post' announced on twitter he is leaving the paper: "They decided to publish an editorial that positions them on Team Trump."

U.S. President Trump speaks with Congressional Republicans at the White House in Washington (photo credit: REUTERS/JOSHUA ROBERTS)
U.S. President Trump speaks with Congressional Republicans at the White House in Washington
WASHINGTON – Napp Nazwoth, an editor at The Christian Post (CP), announced on a Twitter thread late Monday that he is leaving the newspaper, citing editorial that positions the paper "on Team Trump."
"I can't be an editor for a publication with that editorial voice," he tweeted.

Nazworth was referring to CP's editorial By John Grano and Richard Land, who blamed Christianity Today (CT) editorial by Mark Galli for being "disdainful, dismissive, elitist posture toward their fellow Christians may well do far more long-term damage to American Christianity, and its witness than any current prudential support for President Trump will ever cause."
Galli called to remove US President Donald Trump for office. "To the many Evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve," Galli continued. "Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump's immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency."
Grano and Land responded to Galli's column. They wrote: "[he] asks Evangelicals supporting Trump to consider how continued support for the president will impede and compromise Evangelical witness for Jesus to an unbelieving world. One might well ask Mr. Galli how his obvious elitist disdain and corrosive condescension for fellow Christians with whom he disagrees, as ignorant, uneducated, 'aliens in our midst' might well damage evangelical witness to an unbelieving world."
On Monday night, following CP's editorial, Nazwotrh announced he would leave the newspaper. "I'm saddened by what happened for many reasons," he tweeted. Nazworth, who worked at CP for 8.5 years, wrote that for most of that period, the company "strived to be a place that represented the diversity of Evangelicalism in the US."
"When the editors had disagreements, we would work through them, letting those discussions and debates inform and improve our coverage," he continued. "Now, CP has chosen to go in a different direction. Like so many other media companies, they've chosen to silo themselves."
"They've chosen to represent a narrow (and shrinking) slice of Christianity," Nazworth added in his thread. "That might be a good business decision, short term at least. But it's bad for Democracy, and bad for the Gospel. It means there will be one more place where readers can go for bias confirmation, but one less place where readers can go to exercise their brains on a diversity of thought."