Philip Gold

Philip Gold

Philip Gold made Aliyah from the United States in 2010 after several decades as a writer, journalist, college professor and think tank pontificator/prognosticator. He’s the author of seven books, most recently Yom Kippur Party Goods (John Hunt/O Books, 2010) and over 800 articles, columns and reviews. He received his B.A. from Yale, his Ph.D. from Georgetown, and his real education in the Marines. Current writing projects include an Israel-and-America novel, The Former, and a philosophical meditation on weight loss, The Nomos Diet. Heavy stuff. Philip lives with his wife, writer Erin Solaro, and Samantha, their Yesh Makom cat, as in: She showed up at the door one morning and asked, “Yesh makom?” His son Jonathan, aka “My Son the Lawyer,” works for a major New York investment bank. Scary.

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