Sima Vaknin-Gil

Sima Vaknin-Gil

Manager, strategist content and executive professional in various public bodies and a broad spectrum of fields for almost four decades. SVG has held senior positions in the IAF intelligence branch, IDF Intelligence agency and Ministry of Defense - achieving the rank of Brigadier General. While in public service, SVG served as Director General of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy, a ministry that focused on battling against the delegitimization campaign and on the Iranian issue. SVG has deep acquaintance with Israel’s security system and its leaders – especially related to intelligence functions, military industries and cyber; Deep acquaintance with government ministries, governmental bureaucracy and senior officials of the executive authority; Broad acquaintance with public officials in Israel and partial access to public officials worldwide, mainly in Europe and the US; Close ties with Jewish and pro-Israel communities and organizations worldwide; Broad acquaint.

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