So there we sat in one of those bonding moments a father and son never forget, jaws dropped to the floor, absolutely speechless. Etched in a 12 year olds memory forever on a earth-shattering October 9, 2000, my world was turned upside down.
After a week of hand-wringing and worry, WWF Commissioner Mic Foley had just accused Rikishi of running over Stone Cold Steve Austin with a car in the parking lot at the WWF Survivor Series pay-per-view event. And then...Rikishi admitted it.
Rikishi’s cousin, The Rock, had been the primary suspect because he had the most to gain from Austin’s absence. Rikishi explained as much in his confession, telling a packed stadium in Anahiem, California that he “did it for Da Rock.”
This, however, did not end well for Rikishi. The man, who made the wrestling ‘move’ “The Stinkface” famous, had just made a huge stinkface of his own. The Rock was disgusted with him, publicly disowning him as a family member and friend (and for good measure he gave the 400+ pounder a nasty Rock Bottom).
And they call television an intellectual “wasteland”? At the tender age of 12, Rikishi had just taught me the important lesson in the dangers of acting and speaking in other people’s names.
I was again shocked, though obviously less so, to read last week that the ADL had condemned Republican Presidential nominee Rick Santorum for telling a radio show, “we always need a Jesus guy.” Santorum quickly followed that response to a question up with a clarification, explaining, “Do you stand up and say, ‘God bless America?’ Do you mean it? Are you just saying it? The idea that we don’t need someone with a moral compass, is that what we’ve come to? Is that what the Republican Party is? No, it isn’t.”
ADL National Director, and fellow JPost blogger, Abe Foxman came down hard on Santorum calling his remarks, “totally inappropriate. It’s crossing the line. It says to Jews, to Muslims, to Buddhists, to non-believers, you’re not part of this country.”
I could not disagree more. Santorum was not attempting to exclude anybody with his remarks, but was simply unveiling his conservative sense of morality to potential voters. As an Orthodox Jew, it was refreshing to hear a person of political prominence discussing religious morals for once.
It makes me wonder if perhaps Foxman’s comments were more politically motivated rather than his standing up for the Jewish community.
Rick Santorum is perhaps the most pro-Israel candidate left in the race. His stance on a number of issues pertaining to Israel has been clear and his record in foreign affairs is more distinguished than any other candidate. He has even introduced legislation to take away funding for schools that promote anti-Israel sentiments.
Why Foxman chose to single out Santorum in a race that also includes a documented anti-Semite, Ron Paul and an incumbent President who has shown no lack of disdain for the State of Israel, is beyond me.
While I question his motives the result does not change. If the ADL thinks that their condemnation of Santorum’s comments were done in my name then they are gravely mistaken. I, like The Rock, must decline any association with such lunacy.
The Jews need plenty of protecting in this world, and the ADL does some great things in that arena, but in the case of attacking Rick Santorum they have truly laid down a stinkface and I must say “not in my name,“ if you smell what I''m cooking.