That is a civil war where the very existence of the nation is at stake

A nation is not a herd of human species who are being born and deceased on one large piece of land called a country. What distinguishes a nation from a herd is a set of fundamental rules from the Guiding Power that makes individual lives purposeful far beyond their lives in mortal human bodies.
At the core of our current civil war is the fact that the two fighting communities define the Guiding Power in a fundamentally different way.
One fighting community defines the Guiding Power as an Eternal All-mighty Superpower above us the humans that created all us and provided us with a set of rules for living “in His image and likeness”. In our country, this community is called the Judeo-Christian community. Its Guiding Power called God guides them in the Torah/Bible-inspired actions.
The essence of this guidance is well known:
We are created spiritually equal in the image and likeness of God Who empowers all human individuals with the ability of being a creative master of the life of him/her-self, his/her family and community. The role of a democratically elected government is to safeguard this ability of human individuals. Everybody has equal opportunities given to him/her by God but realization of the equal opportunities depends on an individual him/her-self. That is why the economic results are different. Some people are rich and some are poor, some live from a paycheck to a next paycheck. Also, there are those who are misfortunate and cannot support themselves and who are helped through the mitzvah/charity.
The other fighting community defines the Guiding Power as a human government, which with the help of the news media and powerful social institutions forces us to live along the lines of its rules created to strengthen its own power under the slogans of human rights and social justice. In our country, a most popular name for this community is the Progressive community. This community is guided by the human ideas very close to the ideas, which were presented in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.
The essence of this guidance is well known as well:
The Progressive community are guided by the idea that all people should be economically equal independently of their ability to be creative masters of their own lives and the lives of their families and communities. Therefore, a democratically elected government has to be a provider of economic equality, and to do it through the wealth redistribution.
The civil war between the two communities decides the spiritual future of the nation. Do the nation continue advancing and strengthening its Torah/Bible-guided Judeo-Christian spiritual foundation? Or, the nation rejects this foundation and replaces it by the Progressive foundation which is known as the human rights and social justice?
The Judeo-Christian community now has its spiritual leader – it is US President Donald J. Trump – the most able leader of the anti-Judeo-Christian community many believe has been former US President Barak Hussein Obama.

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The Jews and the Christians are in both communities. However, as some would say, the Jews and Christians in the Progressive community are Jews and Christians “in the name only”, since the Progressive, Communist Manifesto guided principles are adversary to Judeo-Christian principles.
The Progressive community, if the Judeo-Christian community defeats it, is going to lose bigly because of drastic reduction in its electoral power base:
• Many millions of government and public taxpayers-paid jobs occupied by the Progressive community spiritual members are eliminated – the “eliminated” would be privately employed
• Immigration of people with non-Judeo-Christian traditions is sharply decreased – the Judeo-Christian community would be strengthen
• Progressive news media is sharply reduced in electoral influence – new pro-Judeo-Christian news media would be born
• Welfare community is sharply reduced in numbers – welfare recipients would be moving to various workplaces or private charity assistance
• Community of people who are receiving the special government protection and benefits (based on race, color of skin, education, wealth, gender, country of origin, religion, etc.) is sharply reduced – the nation would be much more united.
We observe the fierce resistance of the Progressive community to all that, that has pushed the nation to a current civil war. The most effective weapon in the arsenal of the Progressive community is the sabotage of all governing actions of the current Judeo-Christian President and the Congress –the sabotage by publishing fake news, by violent street demonstrations, by delaying congressional approvals, by bring to standstill new laws in liberal courts, etc. For the Judeo-Christian community to win, it has to respond very forcefully.
That is a civil war where the very existence of the nation is at stake. If the Judeo-Christian community wins, the nation would restore its Judeo-Christian greatness and preserve the nation as its Guiding Power “designed” it. If the Progressive community wins, the nation would become a completely different entity with an unclear future.