The fate of Israel and Jews is tied to the fate of Judeo-Christian civilization

Unfortunately, many Jews in the USA and in Israel do not understand that their (our) fate is tied to the fate of Judeo-Christian civilization, and many Christians do not understand that the fate of Christianity depends on the strength of Judaism as its spiritual foundation.
Fortunately, the number of Jews and Christians who understand all that is growing.
Why is it vital nowadays to pay attention to the survival of Judeo-Christian civilization and the fundamental spiritual connections between Jews and Christians – now, in the 21th century after two millenniums of flourishing Judeo-Christian civilization (of course, with the trials of Inquisition, Pogroms and Holocaust)?
That is because the spiritually rival Islamic civilization has begun the deadly assault on our Judeo-Christian civilization following the Qur’anic obligation to make Islamic everything in the human world (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, CAIR, etc.) while the spiritually disarmed Western Judeo-Christian civilization continue to naively search for a “spiritual formula” for peaceful coexistence with the Islamic world.
Europe is the most visible place where Islam is winning and Israel is losing.
Bret Stevens of WSJ underlines the losing mind-set of Europe
Europe is dying because it has become morally incompetent. It is not that Europe stands for nothing. It is that it stands for shallow things, shallowly. Europeans believe in human rights, tolerance, openness, peace, progress, the environment, pleasure. These beliefs are all very nice, but they are also secondary. What Europeans no longer believe in are the things from which their beliefs spring: Judaism and Christianity; liberalism and the Enlightenment; martial pride and capability; capitalism and wealth. Having ignored and undermined their own foundations, they wonder why their house is coming apart. That is what makes the diplomacy of Angela Merkel, undisputed regent of European foreign policy, so odd and disconcerting. She is offering a deal in which Europe would agree to visa-free travel for Turks in Europe starting next year, along with quicker movement on Turkish membership in the European Union, if only Ankara will do more to resettle Syrian and other refugees in their own country. Turkey is led by an elected Islamist with an autocratic streak, prone to anti-Semitic [and anti-Israel] outbursts, who openly supports Hamas, denies the Armenian genocide, jails journalists in record numbers, and orchestrates Soviet-style show trials against his political opponents. Turkey also has borders with Syria, Iraq and Iran. These would become Europe’s borders in the event of Turkish membership.
Regrettably, in the USA, the process of de-Judeo-Christianization has been underway for some time as well and under President Obama this process was accelerated. On April 6, 2009, speaking halfway across the world in Turkey, he proclaimed that the United States did not consider itself a Judeo-Christian nation. He said, although we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation.
Presidential candidate Ben Carson
We should not give up (our Judeo-Christian) beliefs for political correctness. We have to support America's Judeo-Christian roots and take pride in that foundation of faith.
However, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) disagrees with Ben Carson
It is a leading Islamic organization in the USA, and it declares in its core principles the introduction of the active practice of Islam as a tool for strengthening the social and religious fabric of the USA. The active practice requires following the Quran guidance and that means working on replacing the Judeo-Christian governing principles by the Islamic ones.
In the Middle East, Israel is representing and defending the Judeo-Christian morality that makes Israel the chief enemy of the Islamic world. The Islamic world understood this role of Israel and Jews long ago, as Netanyahu reminds us.
Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu
Hitler did not want to exterminate the Jews at the time. He wanted to expel the Jews. And the spiritual leader of the Arab Muslims Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said: ‘If you expel them, they will all come here,’ meaning Palestine. ‘So what should I do with them?’ Hitler asked. Haj Amin al-Husseini answered, ‘Burn them.’
The 2016 Presidential and Congressional elections are crucial for the survival of Judeo-Christian civilization, as we know it, and for the survival of USA and Israel as the two fundamental cornerstones of this civilization. Let us hope that those who understand all that will be elected.