I can't, of course, PROVE that God is here...

 But I can tell you,
without hesitation....
without caveat.....
that He ALWAYS responds to our prayers....
The key to receiving this response is ''many-fold''....
First and foremost....
(at least in MY experience)...
the request must be grounded in
In other words,

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''Winning the Lottery'' would not be a REASONABLE request....
Having enough money to feed your children WOULD.....
This is not to Say that one cannot aspire to "BIG THINGS" happening....
But the "NEED" itself actually seems to become the PRIME issue, I suppose...
I''m not gonna waste your time by telling you that the request has to
Although, having said that,
SERVING THE GREATER GOOD is not the WORST way to go !!
But, lets face it, friends...
Am I rambling ??
The second requisite for having your "prayers answered"...
(I find!)...
is to be SPECIFIC when asking GOD for something...
He doesn''t necessarily want to hear all of your lamenting and whining, etc...
(I''m guessing!)
He will listen to the specifics though....
I sound like some evangelical yo yo....
But I SWEAR this is accurate and sound advice....
EMPIRICAL advice even....
Prepare your CASE beforehand...
Go into the prayer and beseechment mode ONLY when you TRULY BELIEVE that you are deserving
of the HONOUR of God''s Ear....
This is NOT, in any way, to be construed as advice for "shirking your daily prayers"....
NO !
This is the ICING , so to speak...
This is the EXTRA PRAYER SESSION......
OK ??
Try this.....
Lemme know what happens....
What have you got to lose, right ?